Ctrl+Tab Skip Preview
pkaovil last edited by pkaovil
I made a post here previously but it was in the wrong forum. So here I am requesting that this Chromium "feature" be implemented.
I want to be able to while cycling through the tab, close a tab and keep cycling.
So, if I'm at tab 1, hold Ctrl and press Tab once, I should now be at tab 2 and if I press W once, tab 2 should close.Current behaviour, hold Ctrl and press Tab once previews tab 2 and if I press W once, tab 2 does not close as intended, instead, tab 1 (active) closes.
I Ctrl+Tab a lot and constant transitions between the preview (with black border) and browsing interface is an eyesore.
pkaovil last edited by pkaovil
@pkaovil It seems what I am looking for has been implemented under the name of switch left through tabs Ctrl+PageUp and switch right through tabs Ctrl+PageDown. So technically speaking this request is resolved for me personally by changing keyboard shortcuts under settings.