Flash player does not work; can not be able.
nvmjustagirl last edited by nvmjustagirl
Go back to page ...if you see this image saying flash is installed that means thingy will show it shows maybe 1 sec if that.. unless adblocker could be messing it up
nvmjustagirl last edited by nvmjustagirl
if you saw that image..ummm what am try ' n to say its already enabled..if at page and ya dont see it reload page..if ya dont see it...then sumthin gotta be blocking.. (spooky lol
sh-b last edited by sh-b
@nvmjustagirl if you consider the screenshot that I have posted above, over Adobe Flash Player page(website) there is Flash player image, but, clicking(right click) on its enable option, it does not work and adblocker does not effect on it, even though it is disabled, I proved it, but the problem was not fixed.
sh-b last edited by sh-b
@nvmjustagirl I think you have drunk so much or you have smoked too much, and so, do not disturb here let serious people help.
nvmjustagirl last edited by nvmjustagirl
i meant im on dev your prolly on stable so they prolly show the samee.. but thankyou n e ways.. -
nvmjustagirl last edited by nvmjustagirl
if you have flash installed go here get.adobe.com/flashplayer/about/to enable flash looks like this
If that does't happen then ya got troubles..
works on all latest versions opera with vpn on or off
Hope this helps
A Former User last edited by A Former User
For some reason latest Opera 49.0.2725.39 (PGO) for Windows does not give "allow Flash" button or dialogue on URL bar for number of web sites.
This is what I had to do. I went to settings and manually added the URL for each web site where I wish to allow Flash. Only that way I manage to get the Flash run on those web sites.
I hope this helps others to get this solved. Unfortunately there are number of great services still relying on Flash.
nvmjustagirl last edited by
@serola said in Flash player does not work; can not be able.:
For some reason latest Opera 49.0.2725.39 (PGO) for Windows does not give "allow Flash" button or dialogue on URL bar for number of web sites.
This is what I had to do. I went to settings and manually added the URL for each web site where I wish to allow Flash. Only that way I manage to get the Flash run on those web sites.
I hope this helps others to get this solved. Unfortunately there still are number of great services still relying on Flash.
What about the flash test site, do ya halfta add manually ?..
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@shahramop Okay. Do you have anti-virus software? Sometimes that can interfere. Usually it's the part of the software the scans pages for for dangerous stuff. Maybe try disabling it.
Also, you said you already uninstalled and reinstalled Opera. You also said that this is happening on multiple computers. But, just for good measure, try a standalone installation. Launch the Opera installer, click "options", set "install path" to a folder on your desktop, set "install for" to "Standalone Installation (USB)" and install. See if flash works that way.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Didn't see it. What OS are you using (also 32-bit or 64-bit) and what version of Opera (32-bit or 64-bit)?
Also, what is the brand and model of your cpu?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Try modifying Opera's shortcut to specify the path to flash explicitly. Then launch Opera with the shortcut.
"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" "--ppapi-flash-path=C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer64_27_0_0_187.dll" "--ppapi-flash-version="
(adjust the paths for your system of course)
You can try adding:
--allow-outdated-plugins --always-authorize-plugins
to the command too if you want. This shouldn't help for flash, but you can give it a shot.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Also, try going to chrome://site-engagement/ in Opera. For any of the sites in question, bump the base up to 100 to see if that finally causes Opera to bring up the "allow flash" bar below the tab bar for that site. Or, try setting it lower or to 0. Think setting it to 0 will clear the URL from site engagement.
There might also be a way to use flash group policies for Opera. See the group policy part in this post for more info. You'd have to have Windows that supports gpedit and find some way to modify that template for Opera. Even then though, I'm not sure if Opera supports that like Chrome does.
nvmjustagirl last edited by nvmjustagirl
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Hello friends!
I saw most of the posts in this topic and I was appalled.
The amount of crazy things that the user has been asked to do, including renaming the profile to test if it was not in his profile, regardless of whether he has knowledge and what tools (programs) he will use.
I noticed the same problem in all versions of Opera in both Windows and Linux and even have a topic I opened a few days ago (https://forums.opera.com/topic/23278/none-of-the-versions-of-opera-runs-a-site-with-flash-even-in-the-block-exception-list) and so far no answer.
The fact is that both Chromium (where the Opera engine comes from) and Chrome work perfectly with, and in the case of Google Chrome the site has to be in the flash block exception list.
And this in both Windows and Linux, remembering that Chrome has flash embeded, but you can through parameters instruct it to use an external plugin.
And for God's sake someone there spoke to have the NPAPI flash installed for Opera. Only those who use NPAPI are the browsers based on Firefox!
This is a design flaw.
Neither the exception list work instead work on Chrome.
If it worked until some versions ago and it works in the browser where the engine used by all versions of Opera comes out obviously it would have to work with Opera itself but it is not!
Either the developers resolve the issue or stop using Opera when you need to use flash content. -
A Former User last edited by
@nvmjustagirl Flash test site worked as you explained on your previous message. Clicking the icon opened tool bar as it should. But similar tool bar did not became displayed on several web sites that I use.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@msxmaniac said in Flash player does not work; can not be able.:
Hello friends!
I saw most of the posts in this topic and I was appalled.
The amount of crazy things that the user has been asked to do, including renaming the profile to test if it was not in his profile, regardless of whether he has knowledge and what tools (programs) he will use.
I noticed the same problem in all versions of Opera in both Windows and Linux and even have a topic I opened a few days ago (https://forums.opera.com/topic/23278/none-of-the-versions-of-opera-runs-a-site-with-flash-even-in-the-block-exception-list) and so far no answer.
The fact is that both Chromium (where the Opera engine comes from) and Chrome work perfectly with, and in the case of Google Chrome the site has to be in the flash block exception list.
And this in both Windows and Linux, remembering that Chrome has flash embeded, but you can through parameters instruct it to use an external plugin.
And for God's sake someone there spoke to have the NPAPI flash installed for Opera. Only those who use NPAPI are the browsers based on Firefox!
This is a design flaw.
Neither the exception list work instead work on Chrome.
If it worked until some versions ago and it works in the browser where the engine used by all versions of Opera comes out obviously it would have to work with Opera itself but it is not!
Either the developers resolve the issue or stop using Opera when you need to use flash content.Trying with a clean profile is standard procedure in browser troubleshooting if the immediate obvious fixes fail. It immediately eliminates problems caused by changed settings or other extensions.
There is another thread with what looks like the same problem here, so perhaps it is a bug in Opera 49.