AOL Mail no longer working since today.
nafcom last edited by leocg
Hi there. I am using Opera Mail since years, sicne it was still called M2 (2004 to be exact)
Over the last week I received 2 emails from AOL that the IMAP and SMTP ports will change on November 7th and I have to update my email client settings.
So in Opera Mail I have changed the ports according to the link in their email as follows:
Even though the ports are now setup correct, (and I am also on the safe side ) I re-entered my password, it still does not login. I only get a yellow exclamation mark. I also double checked with the Mail app on my iPhone7Plus, the settings are all identical.
If it fails once and edit and save the preferences again, Opera Mail stops responding and I have to force close it btw
Did they change something in the system today that renders it unusable on Opera Mail as of today?
What else could I do to be able to access to my AOL Imap account via Opera Mail again?
Thanks in advance!
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Did you make sure TLS is checked? Did you set authentication to auto or try one of the auth settings? Did you check the log?
nafcom last edited by
Hi thanks for your quick reply.
Let me go down to your questions:
Yes, TLS is checked. I kept all settings, I just changed the port numbers according to the link AOL sent me.
Yes, I did set authentication to different settings. If I switch the settings, I am getting an error saying "Authentication error" and the login window appears asking me to re-enter password, and then it will show an erorr saying "wrong method"
It was set to "Auto", if I set it back to "Auto", the Opera Mail clients ends up in a loop being stuck at "Authenticating" , I have kept it trying for 20 minutes but it stays at "Not Responding" in the window title.
The only way to correct this is, blocking the whole internet connection so Opera Mail will fail connecting and just a yellow exclamation mark will apear on the status bar, and then disabling the option "Check for new mails when checking manually and "check for new mails automatically every 5 mins"This "being stuck" only happened after the 3rd try Opera Mail could not connect yesterday evening.
- I tried checking the log and enabled it, find the log at the end of this post.
Here are my settings from the config file thought, and THE EXACT setting I use in the Mail app of iOS 11 (iPhone7 Plus too).
==== Logging started ====
25/10-2017 20:14:28 IMAP#1/1: Connecting...25/10-2017 20:14:29 IMAP#1/1 IN {}: * OK IMAP4 ready
25/10-2017 20:14:29 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: 0000 CAPABILITY
0000 OK completed25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: 0001 ID ("name" "Opera Mail" "version" "1.0" "vendor" "Opera Software ASA" "os" "Win32")
25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 IN {}: * ID nil
0001 OK completed25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: [command contains password]
0002 OK LOGIN completed25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: 0003 LSUB "" "*"
25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 IN {}: * LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Inbox - nafcomaim[at]"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Saved"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "Trash"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Inbox - nafcom[at]"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Notes"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren \Noinferiors \Junk) "/" "Spam"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" "Drafts"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren) "/" "SavedIMs"
- LSUB (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "Sent"
0003 OK LSUB completed
my nafcom[at] address:
==== Logging started ====
25/10-2017 20:14:28 IMAP#1/1: Connecting...25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 IN {}: * OK IMAP4 ready
25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: 0000 CAPABILITY
0000 OK completed25/10-2017 20:14:30 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: 0001 ID ("name" "Opera Mail" "version" "1.0" "vendor" "Opera Software ASA" "os" "Win32")
25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 IN {}: * ID nil
0001 OK completed25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: [command contains password]
Here is also a copy & paste of my account settings in Opera Mail:
Incoming Log File=B:\winntold\account5_inlog.txt
Outgoing Log File=B:\winntold\account5_outlog.txt
Incoming Protocol=IMAP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=993
Outgoing Port=465
Secure Connection In=1
Secure Connection Out=1
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=31
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=0
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=1
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=0
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=1
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=1
Sound Enabled=0
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=nafcom[at]
Incoming Username=nafcom[at]
Outgoing Username=nafcom[at]
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=1
Real Name=Joerg Droege
Signature File={Resources}signature52.txt
Sound File=
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2
Incoming Log File=B:\winntold\account7_inlog.txt
Outgoing Log File=B:\winntold\account7_outlog.txt
Incoming Protocol=IMAP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=993
Outgoing Port=465
Secure Connection In=1
Secure Connection Out=1
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=31
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=0
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=1
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=0
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=1
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=1
Sound Enabled=0
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=nafcomaim[at]
Incoming Username=nafcomaim
Outgoing Username=nafcomaim
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=4
Real Name=Joerg Droege
Signature File={Resources}signature55.txt
Sound File=
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2
I have just replaced @ with [at] for web spider spam protection
Interestingly, appears logs are switched places despite I put in the correct path and filename to match the account numbering in the setting file.
Hope somebody can help me and find out what's wrong so I can use it again
Interestingly btw: I tried to call AOL Support to hear what they say: They say network error on my system and wanted to charge me 149 USD for a network specialist to fix the problem for me.
However I did a telnet check on my netowrk with IMAP SMTP server URLs and their ports and traffic went through successful
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: [command contains password]
For the first log, it looks like Opera logged into the account fine. For the second log, what happened in the log after Opera sent out the password to the server?
Also, you said you retyped your username and password. Did you do that in the dialog that pops up or on the servers tab in the account's properties? If only the former, do it on the latter too for good measure.
Also, unless I missed it, in the log, I'm not seeing the sending of the username.
Do you have any type of 2-step verification turned on for your AOL account? The reason I ask is that often uses oAuth which Opera doesn't support. I'd log into or whatever their account management page is and check. I'd also look to see if one of the accounts now has IMAP disabled. Some providers might call this option "allow insecure apps" or something like that.
If you didn't make any changes recently, maybe AOL did and you just have to tweak them back.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Also, just for testing, download the Opera Mail installer, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to a folder on your desktop, set "install for" to "Standalone installation (USB)" and install. In that Opera, set up your IMAP account and see if it works there. That'll rule out something being messed up with your normal mail folder / profile.
Also, do you have anti-virus with an email scanner? If so, you often need to accept its certificate so it can man-in-the-middle your email connections to scan your emails. Or, you need to connect insecurely on the older ports with TLS unchecked where it scans your emails and redirects to secure connections. Turning off the email scanner or the whole anti-virus just to check might help.
nafcom last edited by nafcom
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
25/10-2017 20:14:31 IMAP#1/1 OUT {}: [command contains password]
For the first log, it looks like Opera logged into the account fine.
Despite that, it still fails for nafcomaim[at]
For the second log, what happened in the log after Opera sent out the password to the server?
When OperaMail tries to login into nafcom[at] , Opera Mail freezes "Not responding" in title bar, when I click on the window it crashes, hence the log file could never be written further!
Also, you said you retyped your username and password. Did you do that in the dialog that pops up or on the servers tab in the account's properties? If only the former, do it on the latter too for good measure.
I did it in the account's properties.
Also, unless I missed it, in the log, I'm not seeing the sending of the username.
Do you have any type of 2-step verification turned on for your AOL account? The reason I ask is that >often uses oAuth which Opera doesn't support. I'd log into or whatever their account >management page is and check. I'd also look to see if one of the accounts now has IMAP disabled. >Some providers might call this option "allow insecure apps" or something like that.
I know, hence I never switched on the 2-step authentication and also it works with the same settings in iOS Mail client on my iPhone7Plus, so IMAP cannot be disabled in my AOL Account settings
If you didn't make any changes recently, maybe AOL did and you just have to tweak them back.
I did do what you suggested next, and I will write my findings under it afterwards:
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
Also, just for testing, download the Opera Mail installer, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to a folder on your desktop, set "install for" to "Standalone installation (USB)" and install. In that Opera, set up your IMAP account and see if it works there. That'll rule out something being messed up with your normal mail folder / profile.
Also, do you have anti-virus with an email scanner? If so, you often need to accept its certificate so it can man-in-the-middle your email connections to scan your emails. Or, you need to connect insecurely on the older ports with TLS unchecked where it scans your emails and redirects to secure connections. Turning off the email scanner or the whole anti-virus just to check might help.
I did that and guess what it worked! I also noticed what AOL changed:
As you may have heard, AOL is about to close down AIM for good, I still have this nafcom[at] account from back in the day. They shut down this account it seems and instead unified it listing it as a separated imap folder. in my nafcom[at] account. the iPhone Mail client noticed the change and added this new nafcomaim[at] inbox to my primary nafcom[at] folder , but my Opera Mai installation has a problem with it.
Now, how do I exchange the non-working configuration of my Opera Mail installation with the woking configuration of the new Opera Mail USB standalone installation without losing the SENT and other IMAP folders in my old nafcomaim[at] account?
Can I disable the nafcomaim[at] account without losing the locally saved mails in it AND THEN copy the account configuration of the config INI file account section of the new USB standalone install where the email account works now?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Can you rename that aim folder in the IOS mail client or the webmail so the @ is removed? Maybe Opera's having an issue with it in the folder name. Also, if you can, unsubscribe from that folder?
If you can do that, launch Opera Mail and see if it still has problems. If it does, close down Opera Mail, launch the Opera Mail installer, click "options", set "install path" to your current Opera mail and choose upgrade. This should fix any program file corruption if there is any, which might be the problem. If it doesn't have problems, you could then resubscribe to the folder and see what happens.
If that doesn't work, your messages for that aim account are in the "store/accountN" folder where N is the number for the account as seen in accounts.ini. You can move that folder or the whole mail folder to a save place to retain your messages for that account, which you can import into the new mail folder later. All messages for that account will be complete if they've been fully fetched before.
Then, if you want, you can replace your "mail" folder, contacts.adr and "wand.dat" with the ones from the usb installation and things will just work. You can then import your contacts from your old contacts.adr.
Further, if you wanted, you can go to "Menu -> settings -> import and export -> import mail -> import generic mbox -> add folder" and choose the old accountN folder into a local only pop account. A local only pop account / import account is just a pop account with no server settings and the ports set to 0. You can even modify an IMAP accounts settings to remove the servers and ports and Opera should stop bugging you about connecting.
Also, once you have the messages in the local account, you can drag them to the Inbox IMAP folder of the existing IMAP account to upload those messages back to the server if they're not there.
I'd avoid trying to just copy accounts.ini parts over. It's better to do stuff via the UI for this so everything gets created correctly.
nafcom last edited by
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
Can you rename that aim folder in the IOS mail client or the webmail so the @ is removed? Maybe Opera's having an issue with it in the folder name. Also, if you can, unsubscribe from that folder?
Tried that, didn't change a thing, still acts the same way: Freezing and crashing as soon as it tries to log into nafcom[at} and since it worked with the same folder name in the new USB Standalone install, I undid the changes again.
If you can do that, launch Opera Mail and see if it still has problems. If it does, close down Opera Mail, launch the Opera Mail installer, click "options", set "install path" to your current Opera mail and choose upgrade. This should fix any program file corruption if there is any, which might be the problem. If it doesn't have problems, you could then resubscribe to the folder and see what happens.
Unfortunately I can't. As soon as I try this, this happens:
It then shows the progress bar, but not sure if it's doing anything. also not sure what error 89 is and how to fix it........ Is it maybe related to this?
If that doesn't work, your messages for that aim account are in the "store/accountN" folder where N is the number for the account as seen in accounts.ini. You can move that folder or the whole mail folder to a save place to retain your messages for that account, which you can import into the new mail folder later. All messages for that account will be complete if they've been fully fetched before.
Then, if you want, you can replace your "mail" folder, contacts.adr and "wand.dat" with the ones from the usb installation and things will just work. You can then import your contacts from your old contacts.adr.
Further, if you wanted, you can go to "Menu -> settings -> import and export -> import mail -> import generic mbox -> add folder" and choose the old accountN folder into a local only pop account. A local only pop account / import account is just a pop account with no server settings and the ports set to 0. You can even modify an IMAP accounts settings to remove the servers and ports and Opera should stop bugging you about connecting.
Also, once you have the messages in the local account, you can drag them to the Inbox IMAP folder of the existing IMAP account to upload those messages back to the server if they're not there.
I'd avoid trying to just copy accounts.ini parts over. It's better to do stuff via the UI for this so everything gets created correctly.
Oh no, I went through this when I had 23 GB on emails and with attachment. It took me 10 days to export from M2 and import to Opera Mail. Nowadays I have over 50 GB. It just kept getting stuck, failing freezing.
I will do a full partition image tonight (backups are not a bad idea anyway) and then try if I can copy over the working account ini settings into the config file where it's broken.
If you have any idea what eerror 89 is and if it is connected to my problem and how to fix it, I would be glad
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
and then try if I can copy over the working account ini settings into the config file where it's broken.
You can try that, but it shouldn't work, unless I misinterpreted your situation a bit.
If you have any idea what eerror 89 is and if it is connected to my problem and how to fix it, I would be glad
What's giving the error? The IMAP server? Are you seeing it in the log or when Opera pops up the error console?
nafcom last edited by nafcom
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
and then try if I can copy over the working account ini settings into the config file where it's broken.
You can try that, but it shouldn't work, unless I misinterpreted your situation a bit.
Ok, I will try using the GUI, so what is the best approach? delete the account and re-create the account? I would delete both accounts nafcomaim[at] and nafcom[at] and only re-add nafcom[at] as nafcomaim[at] is now a part of the other anyway? (and just exporting the old nafcom[at] sent folder and re-importing that to sent folder of nafcom[at]
I hope it will be more stable with this then it was back in the day.
If you have any idea what eerror 89 is and if it is connected to my problem and how to fix it, I would be glad
What's giving the error? The IMAP server? Are you seeing it in the log or when Opera pops up the error console?
I have included a screenshot in my last reply? Isn't it obvious from the screenshot? When I try to do an update installation to fix my broken installation in the installer right at the beginning after I hit "install" button.
Thanks and cheers!
Joerg -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
I have included a screenshot in my last reply? Isn't it obvious from the screenshot?
Sorry. Somehow overlooked that part.
I'm not sure what Error 89 is for the installer. I'm assuming it has something to do with that drive or some of the files being read-only or something. I'll see if I can find out.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
Ok, I will try using the GUI, so what is the best approach? delete the account and re-create the account? I would delete both accounts nafcomaim[at] and nafcom[at] and only re-add nafcom[at] as nafcomaim[at] is now a part of the other anyway? (and just exporting the old nafcom[at] sent folder and re-importing that to sent folder of nafcom[at]
Yes, you can do it that way if you want. However, you can't directly import messages into an IMAP account. You'll have to import those sent messages into an import (local pop) account and then drag them to the IMAP sent folder of the other account (or wherever you want them ) to upload them.
However, it'd be better to just rename the "mail" folder to"mailold" (after exporting the sent messages you want), start Opera, setup the IMAP account, import the sent messages into a local pop account, drag them to the IMAP account and delete the local pop account. The reason to do it this way is that the database files and all the indexer files will then be fresh, new and free of corruption. You'll have to retype your username and password, but that's no problem.
nafcom last edited by
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
I have included a screenshot in my last reply? Isn't it obvious from the screenshot?
Sorry. Somehow overlooked that part.
I'm not sure what Error 89 is for the installer. I'm assuming it has something to do with that drive or some of the files being read-only or something. I'll see if I can find out.
Okay, let me know when you know more please!
Good news: I now re-added nafcom[at] with the new IMAP and SMTP ports and that worked (however, side effect: sent mails of where spotted with false spam positive marks?).
Also, if I unsubscrive nafcomaim[at] the whole account will cause the mail client to crash (Because I originally planned instead of re-importing the nafcomaim[at] sent mail folder, to simply unsubscribe from the inbox sub-folder of this in the nafcom[at] account and disable the fetching, i.e. login into nafcomaim[at] account.
Instead I will export the sent mails from nafcomaim[at], re-import it to another's POP3 mail account and delete the damaged nafcom[at] and nafcomaim[at]aim.,com accounts completely (this will probably take hours, so I will do it over night while I am sleeping).
I will report back tomorrow whether everything worked out 100% as planned!
And I will file a bug report that the changes im subscribing/unsubscribing the folder with @ sign crash the opera mail client prg and render the email account unsusable forever until it is manually added again, this is not supposed to happen by any means!
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
I will report back tomorrow whether everything worked out 100% as planned!
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
And I will file a bug report that the changes im subscribing/unsubscribing the folder with @ sign crash the opera mail client prg and render the email account unsusable forever until it is manually added again, this is not supposed to happen by any means!
Unfortunately, Opera Mail was discontinued years ago. No bugs will be fixed.
nafcom last edited by
@burnout426 said in [AOL Mail no longer working since today.]
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
And I will file a bug report that the changes im subscribing/unsubscribing the folder with @ sign crash the opera mail client prg and render the email account unsusable forever until it is manually added again, this is not supposed to happen by any means!
Unfortunately, Opera Mail was discontinued years ago. No bugs will be fixed.
Is this official? The last build wasn't years ago but February, 16th, 2016, I know this myself, as Opera Mail updated itself
If that is the case maybe I should really switch soon, as with bugs like these, it can break again anytime.
Anyway, I can report the deletion worked, so thanks to you I have got it working again and I am happy, thanks for giving extreme good, professional and quick support
Anyway, if you find out more about error 89, I am still interested to know!
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
Is this official? The last build wasn't years ago but February, 16th, 2016, I know this myself, as Opera Mail updated itself
Yes, it's official. That update was an exception and was just for a simple security update. No bug fixes.
If that is the case maybe I should really switch soon, as with bugs like these, it can break again anytime.
I switched from Opera Mail to Thunderbird a while ago. I like it and can do most of the same things, just in different ways.
Anyway, I can report the deletion worked, so thanks to you I have got it working again and I am happy, thanks for giving extreme good, professional and quick support
Awesome! You're welcome!
Anyway, if you find out more about error 89, I am still interested to know!
Will do. I haven't heard anything yet.
nafcom last edited by
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
I switched from Opera Mail to Thunderbird a while ago. I like it and can do most of the same things, just in different ways.
The most I am concerned about is the Access Points/Auto sorting approach, is there a plugin for that?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
The most I am concerned about is the Access Points/Auto sorting approach, is there a plugin for that?
Thunderbird has a "Menu -> Folders -> Unified" view (which might even be the default, but I have mine set to "All), that shows "Inbox" and under it shows a view for each account. You can click on "Inbox" to see messages from both accounts. There's also one for Sent. There's also a per-view setting (with a drop-down if you add it to the toolbar) to show a custom view like "Unread".
There are filters, tags, saved searches (where you can choose what folders are searched etc.) and all that. You can add an extension to search certain headers to make a saved search that acts similar to Opera's Attachments access point, but I don't mess with that.
In short, you can do all kinds of things, and a lot of it is there by default.
nafcom last edited by
@burnout426 said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
@nafcom said in AOL Mail no longer working since today.:
The most I am concerned about is the Access Points/Auto sorting approach, is there a plugin for that?
Thunderbird has a "Menu -> Folders -> Unified" view (which might even be the default, but I have mine set to "All), that shows "Inbox" and under it shows a view for each account. You can click on "Inbox" to see messages from both accounts. There's also one for Sent. There's also a per-view setting (with a drop-down if you add it to the toolbar) to show a custom view like "Unread".
There are filters, tags, saved searches (where you can choose what folders are searched etc.) and all that. You can add an extension to search certain headers to make a saved search that acts similar to Opera's Attachments access point, but I don't mess with that.
Ah cool, what is the name of this plugin, please?
In short, you can do all kinds of things, and a lot of it is there by default.
Okay, it's worth a shot, maybe on long term, thank you