Opera Mini Symbian BUG:
gopu5 last edited by
This thread is to inform Opera Technical/Developer team about an issue facing with Opera Mini 7.1 s60v3 and Opera Mini 8 s40 (J2ME) and expect to get it fixed ASAP as I'm the primary user of the Opera symbian .These are the Bugs/Problem I'm facing:
1.Connection Failed: Problem reading from server - I am seeing this issue for a while now as I do not have any problem with my current Internet connection.This always pops up while loading a couple of websites (like Instagram,Gmail,Facebook) etc.
2.Connection Failed : Unable to connect.Please review your network settings - This is the common problem I face in Opera 7.1 even other apps are working fine in my Nokia C5 5MP.I assure Opera my phone has no issue with the Internet,other apps like UC Browser,Facebook are functioning perfectly.
- Opera Mini downloading Error: Opera 7.1 has downloading issue,most of the downloads get stucked in between with incomplete downloads earlier it was working fine.Even downloading from m.opera.com and m.opera.com/next stops with an error : Downloading Failed.
If needed Opera Team can contact me for further assisting on the issues mentioned above (Will respond you on the following channels):
Name: Gopa Kumar
State: Kerala
City: Thrissur
PIN :680508
Country: India
Email : kumargopu2@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GKGopaKumar5REQUEST: I expect to get these issues/problems fixed ASAP by Opera.Please dont IGNORE Symbian users,there are alot of people around the world still stuck with Symbian because they cannot afford Android devices like me.Thank You.
Deleted User last edited by
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looking forward to do business with you.
This text should never ever under any circumstances or legislations considered by anybody as an official Opera notifitication. And I have a bridge to sell.../sarc
gopu5 last edited by
My words has expressed my frustration while using it with all that issues hence fixing it ASAP ! I didnt mean anything above that..Thanks..
gopu5 last edited by
Connection Failed : Unable to connect.Please review your network settings
I'm still facing this issue even my connection is fine!