changing keyboard layout with "menu" key triggers context menu as well (started with 12.16)
dimas000 last edited by
i'm running on Debian, and today with updates i got Opera 12.16.1860 (from repo).
i'm using "menu" and "win" keys for changing keyboard layout, configured thru /etc/default/keyboard (no gnome/kde crap):XKBMODEL="logitech_base" XKBLAYOUT="us,ru" XKBVARIANT=",winkeys" XKBOPTIONS="grp:lwin_toggle,grp:menu_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:paus" BACKSPACE="guess"
before today's update i was using 12.02.1629, and things was working fine: on "menu" i triggered layout, on "shift+menu" - got context menu.
since update, on pressing "menu" i get layout switch as expected, but now it also drops context menu every time.
please fix this stupid bug, it's very annoying.
and it seems that Opera use something inside itself to react on keyboard events. why? why not to use xkb, xinput or whatever else rules the input in Linux?