vedicaudio last edited by
It's been suggested 1000 times in less than a year? That seems like a lot. At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
A simple message to long-time users on the homepage of the website explaining something about the new version, and the direction they want to take it would have gone a long way. When people don't have access to clear info, their minds can run wild and it can be quite frustrating to go on and on without feedback.
Do you think that Facebook would completely change their UI overnight with no notice, no user survey, and no message from Zuckerberg about why this is being done?
The airlines are good at this. Every week there's new info on AA and USAir about their merger and what it will mean for customers.
Deleted User last edited by
At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
Probably never. This is free software. The company is doing what "it" believes is in "it's" best interests whether we agree or not. Our voices regarding making Presto open source mean absolutely nothing. It's their intellectual property and will remain so.
Deleted User last edited by
Note to moderator. I know that you get your fair share of these feminie trolls here all the time. The user, leushino , is no exception. Do make sure he stops trolling. I will be reporting him anyway. I wish some of these feminine trolls knew what it feels like to be attracted to women for a change.
Deleted User last edited by
The reason is quite simple. Management has been approached by a few buyers who want to buy Opera to extend its present products or build enough or add to its brand visibility on the internet. A while back, Facebook was one of the potential buyers of Opera. Seeing that Opera can be potentially sold for millions, the devs or management (theyre both one and the same sell-outs) decided to make Opera more "user friendly" for the typical user to make it attractive enough for these potential buyers to buy. Hence, the reason why inOperate is the mirror image of Chrode. In other words, the devs sold out. They cant wait to sell Opera to the highest bidder so they can get a big piece of the money pie promised to them by management.Are you prepared to defend those assertions of fact in a court of law, in response to a slander lawsuit? Just asking...
Are you prepared to stop your ass kissing to the devs even though it seems that youre either one of them or part of management??
blackbird71 last edited by
It's been suggested 1000 times in less than a year? That seems like a lot. At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
When the voices belong to stockholders comprising a majority of the voting shares. Otherwise, it's wise to recall that the browser is free, so typical users have little, if any, direct leverage in how Opera runs its business or designs its browsers.
As @leushino notes, it's Opera's property.A simple message to long-time users on the homepage of the website explaining something about the new version, and the direction they want to take it would have gone a long way. When people don't have access to clear info, their minds can run wild and it can be quite frustrating to go on and on without feedback.
Do you think that Facebook would completely change their UI overnight with no notice, no user survey, and no message from Zuckerberg about why this is being done?
The airlines are good at this. Every week there's new info on AA and USAir about their merger and what it will mean for customers.Apparently, you're either late to the party or have been living at the bottom of a well. Opera published a number of messages on the My Opera site late last Winter through early summer explaining their "vision" regarding Blink Opera, the rapid release cycle, and the multiple classes of browsers (developmental, Next, and stable release). Not everyone liked or accepted the messages, of course, and the My Opera forums were rife with argumentative threads quoting and belittling Opera's statements at the time. Once several Blink versions had been released, maintaining such messages became rather pointless.
Deleted User last edited by
There is nothing on the web that shows someone wants Opera, Opera just looked to the future and progress, now with a modern browser the company will become bigger! Flag this thread!
I would if it made any sense. Lacking that I'll simply ignore it.
I'll just ignore leushino. Even though he tried hard to be a real man, his feminine side keeps shining through.
Deleted User last edited by
There is nothing on the web that shows someone wants Opera, Opera just looked to the future and progress, now with a modern browser the company will become bigger! Flag this thread!
Use google and find where Facebook was very interested in buying Opera. Moderators, please ban this feminine troll. Thanks.
Deleted User last edited by
There is nothing on the web that shows someone wants Opera, Opera just looked to the future and progress, now with a modern browser the company will become bigger! Flag this thread!
Use google and find where Facebook was very interested in buying Opera. Moderators, please ban this feminine troll. Thanks.
I remember when facebook wanted opera, but facebook does not want anything now. is there another who wanted to buy Opera Software?
blackbird71 last edited by
The reason is quite simple. Management has been approached by a few buyers who want to buy Opera to extend its present products or build enough or add to its brand visibility on the internet. A while back, Facebook was one of the potential buyers of Opera. Seeing that Opera can be potentially sold for millions, the devs or management (theyre both one and the same sell-outs) decided to make Opera more "user friendly" for the typical user to make it attractive enough for these potential buyers to buy. Hence, the reason why inOperate is the mirror image of Chrode. In other words, the devs sold out. They cant wait to sell Opera to the highest bidder so they can get a big piece of the money pie promised to them by management.Are you prepared to defend those assertions of fact in a court of law, in response to a slander lawsuit? Just asking...
Are you prepared to stop your ass kissing to the devs even though it seems that youre either one of them or part of management??Slander: n, a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person or organization. (Synonymous with defamation of character.)
Just be aware that careless words and wild accusations are oh-so-easy to utter on the Internet, but libel laws exist nevertheless, should the person being slandered choose to pursue them in court. Probably Opera won't bother with you in such a way... but you would nevertheless be wise to temper your imagination before committing your fanciful conspiracy theories to "print".
Do you have any concrete proof that what you accuse Opera of deliberately doing, along with its developers, is factual?
And, no, I am not now or ever have been an Opera employee or stockholder; I have no financial or business interest with them. In fact, if you'd bothered to check around, I've been a sometimes outspoken critic of Blink Opera, though I do defend Opera's right to build the browser they choose. You, on the other hand, seem to have some serious anger and bitterness issues...
Deleted User last edited by
It's been suggested 1000 times in less than a year? That seems like a lot. At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
When the voices belong to stockholders comprising a majority of the voting shares. Otherwise, it's wise to recall that the browser is free, so typical users have little, if any, direct leverage in how Opera runs its business or designs its browsers.
As @leushino notes, it's Opera's property.Please dont quote trolls like leushino.
Slander: n, a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person or organization. (Synonymous with defamation of character.)
Just be aware that careless words and wild accusations are oh-so-easy to utter on the Internet, but libel laws exist nevertheless should the person being slandered choose to pursue them in court. Probably Opera won't bother with you in such a way... but you would nevertheless be wise to temper your imagination before committing your fanciful conspiracy theories to "print".
Do you have any concrete proof that what you accuse Opera of deliberately doing, along with its developers, is factual?
And, no, I am not now or ever have been an Opera employee or stockholder; I have no financial or business interest with them. In fact, if you'd bothered to check around, I've been a sometimes outspoken critic of Blink Opera, though I do defend Opera's right to build the browser they choose. You, on the other hand, seem to have some serious anger and bitterness issues...Homosexuality: (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As an orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. "It also refers to an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."
Youre behaving like the above definition.
Just be aware that I dont give a damn what you say and I'm not scared of you or ANYONE. I've already explained my view point. Obviously, you're part of Opera managament. Your job is to keep true Opera fans like me from tarnishing your b.s. inOperate to make it attractive to potential business partners without having them feel persuaded from buying it due to growing public opinion about it. Great PR work.
Do you have any absolute prrof that buyers like Facebook have not been eyeing inOperate to buyt it?
So yes, youre obviously an Opera employee tasked with the responsibility to search and destroy those who oppose your Chromed browser. Youre a very negative person who does nothing but threaten people who dont like your beowser with legal ramifications. In other words, youre a coward.
biggerabalone last edited by
lol, i love your passion!!
"I think it was the best browser ever created." - a well offered compliment to the company.
i'm not sure opera is worth as much as you speculate however. maybe? it is a struggling company (though shares are doing well). i think the chromium brick path was already paved and just looked easier to them. chrome has the money to buy them and then to shut them down. i don't think its interested in them (besides advancing its advertising which it does through everyone). here's a list of the major shareholders of opera:
these guys own and direct the company. who owns them? i don't know. if your eager, research each individually. wouldn't it be interesting if google owned one of these or had a large share in one? i don't think you'll find that, however. as i said, opera is a little fly on the bull's back (googles the bull):) half the time the bull doesn't even know the flies there, the other half it doesn't care.
lastly, buy shares in opera. you can then have a vote in company direction.
biggerabalone last edited by
The reason is quite simple. Management has been approached by a few buyers who want to buy Opera to extend its present products or build enough or add to its brand visibility on the internet. A while back, Facebook was one of the potential buyers of Opera. Seeing that Opera can be potentially sold for millions, the devs or management (theyre both one and the same sell-outs) decided to make Opera more "user friendly" for the typical user to make it attractive enough for these potential buyers to buy. Hence, the reason why inOperate is the mirror image of Chrode. In other words, the devs sold out. They cant wait to sell Opera to the highest bidder so they can get a big piece of the money pie promised to them by management.Are you prepared to defend those assertions of fact in a court of law, in response to a slander lawsuit? Just asking...
Are you prepared to stop your ass kissing to the devs even though it seems that youre either one of them or part of management??Slander: n, a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person or organization. (Synonymous with defamation of character.)
Just be aware that careless words and wild accusations are oh-so-easy to utter on the Internet, but libel laws exist nevertheless, should the person being slandered choose to pursue them in court. Probably Opera won't bother with you in such a way... but you would nevertheless be wise to temper your imagination before committing your fanciful conspiracy theories to "print".
Do you have any concrete proof that what you accuse Opera of deliberately doing, along with its developers, is factual?
And, no, I am not now or ever have been an Opera employee or stockholder; I have no financial or business interest with them. In fact, if you'd bothered to check around, I've been a sometimes outspoken critic of Blink Opera, though I do defend Opera's right to build the browser they choose. You, on the other hand, seem to have some serious anger and bitterness issues...you are quite correct in your warning. however, damage needs to be proven and calculated. he has not impacted the company, nor is it probable that he even could. furthermore, his statement was more conjecture and not malicious: concern drives it. it doesn't seem libel to me (lol, but i'm a biologist, not a lawyer).
lastly, western rule of law doesn't apply in many countries. if he's in the middle east or china, for ex., he's free to dish it out. i myself am behind two anonymizing proxies, and use untraceable email accounts to register in forums. if he's like me, good luck finding him. even my internet provider is bound by law to protect my privacy. opera would be obliged to take my provider to court to get a name for that ip. if they chose to waste all those resources on nonsense, they likely would lose shareholders for mismanagement.
Deleted User last edited by
It's been suggested 1000 times in less than a year? That seems like a lot. At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
When the voices belong to stockholders comprising a majority of the voting shares. Otherwise, it's wise to recall that the browser is free, so typical users have little, if any, direct leverage in how Opera runs its business or designs its browsers.
As @leushino notes, it's Opera's property.Please dont quote trolls like leushino.
Slander: n, a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a person or organization. (Synonymous with defamation of character.)
Just be aware that careless words and wild accusations are oh-so-easy to utter on the Internet, but libel laws exist nevertheless should the person being slandered choose to pursue them in court. Probably Opera won't bother with you in such a way... but you would nevertheless be wise to temper your imagination before committing your fanciful conspiracy theories to "print".
Do you have any concrete proof that what you accuse Opera of deliberately doing, along with its developers, is factual?
And, no, I am not now or ever have been an Opera employee or stockholder; I have no financial or business interest with them. In fact, if you'd bothered to check around, I've been a sometimes outspoken critic of Blink Opera, though I do defend Opera's right to build the browser they choose. You, on the other hand, seem to have some serious anger and bitterness issues...Homosexuality: (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As an orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. "It also refers to an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."
Youre behaving like the above definition.
Just be aware that I dont give a damn what you say and I'm not scared of you or ANYONE. I've already explained my view point. Obviously, you're part of Opera managament. Your job is to keep true Opera fans like me from tarnishing your b.s. inOperate to make it attractive to potential business partners without having them feel persuaded from buying it due to growing public opinion about it. Great PR work.
Do you have any absolute prrof that buyers like Facebook have not been eyeing inOperate to buyt it?
So yes, youre obviously an Opera employee tasked with the responsibility to search and destroy those who oppose your Chromed browser. Youre a very negative person who does nothing but threaten people who dont like your beowser with legal ramifications. In other words, youre a coward.You've been reported for slander.
Deleted User last edited by
I remember when opera announced that it would abandon Presto engine, they said the presto was to compete with netscape, and now they do not need that anymore. that is the reason they moved to blink.
Deleted User last edited by
HAHAHA! Good joke at 1rst of April. Resistance. Haha.
Yes, i resist of beeing fooled by greek oxes!Join the Resistance against The Trolling Taurus
Good joke. Thanks.
blackbird71 last edited by
you are quite correct in your warning. however, damage needs to be proven and calculated. he has not impacted the company, nor is it probable that he even could. furthermore, his statement was more conjecture and not malicious: concern drives it. it doesn't seem libel to me
You make good points. However, @taurusx5 did refer to events in the 'past' tense, which is usually legally considered to be a claim of fact when not accompanied by an opinion disclaimer. eg:
Management has been approached by a few buyers...
the devs or management (theyre both one and the same sell-outs) decided to make Opera more "user friendly" ... to make it attractive enough for these potential buyers to buy.
...the devs sold out... They cant wait to sell Opera to ... get a big piece of the money pie promised to them by management.
I've seen slander suits won on less, but as I noted, Opera probably isn't going to bother with the likes of him, though it does have the resources to do it, and a lawsuit discovery process could force the legal mechanisms to track him down. Nevertheless, carelessly careening around in forums making wild accusations as if they were fact is a very unwise thing to do, and sooner or later will get the person into legal troubles.
blackbird71 last edited by
... Homosexuality: (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As an orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. "It also refers to an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."
Youre behaving like the above definition.
Just be aware that I dont give a damn what you say and I'm not scared of you or ANYONE. I've already explained my view point. Obviously, you're part of Opera managament. Your job is to keep true Opera fans like me from tarnishing your b.s. inOperate to make it attractive to potential business partners without having them feel persuaded from buying it due to growing public opinion about it. Great PR work.
Do you have any absolute prrof that buyers like Facebook have not been eyeing inOperate to buyt it?
So yes, youre obviously an Opera employee tasked with the responsibility to search and destroy those who oppose your Chromed browser. Youre a very negative person who does nothing but threaten people who dont like your beowser with legal ramifications. In other words, youre a coward.Your reading comprehension appears to be inversely related to your anger level. I've never once threatened you. I've simply pointed out a legal possibility to you. If that makes me "obviously an Opera employee", it explains a lot about how you draw your weird conclusions based on prejudicial thinking rather than facts.
You've yet to provide one factual fragment of evidence that any of your assertions about Opera and its developers "selling out" the browser design in order to sell the company for high personal gain are true. All you have provided, as though it were fact, is the result of pure conjecture based on your own bias. That is slander, whether you accept it or not.
You've yet to provide one factual fragment of evidence regarding the sexual orientation of any poster here on Opera's forums. All you have provided, as though it were fact, is the result of your anger and bias. That is slander, whether you accept it or not.
In thread after thread in these forums, you charge in spewing your fabrication and vitriol toward Opera and anyone who disagrees with you. When confronted by others about your behavior, you resort to name-calling and even more desperate fabrication. Life must be desperately bitter and hate-filled for you, and especially painful for those around you.
And for heaven's sake, use a spell-checker and learn to punctuate... especially when you're too angry to see your keyboard while you're typing out your vitriol.
Deleted User last edited by
It's been suggested 1000 times in less than a year? That seems like a lot. At what point do individual voices start to blend and become a critical mass of meaningful resistance?
When the voices belong to stockholders comprising a majority of the voting shares. Otherwise, it's wise to recall thatYou've been reported for slander.
OMG! Let me call a lawyer!
You should be reported for being less than a man.
blackbird71 last edited by
You've been reported for slander.
... You should be reported for being less than a man.
Wow... yet another sexual orientation slam. You really do seem fixated on that subject, don't you? One could even ask about what you might be really trying to tell us: is your pseudonym of Taurus (the bull) actually something subliminal about your own orientation leaking through, perhaps? Of course, that's not an assertion of fact, just a question... I certainly wouldn't want to slander you. But have you thought about seeking professional counseling?
Deleted User last edited by
HAHAHA! Good joke at 1rst of April. Resistance. Haha.
Yes, i resist of beeing fooled by greek oxes!
Join the Resistance against The Trolling Taurus
Good joke. Thanks> ...Join the Resistance against The Trolling Homos Like angiesdom.
HAHAHA .. and all this time I thought you were heterosexual.. Good joke for April 1st! that suggested that you were straight!!
LMAO!!!!!!I've seen slander suits won on less, but as I noted, Opera probably isn't going to bother with the likes of him, though it does have the resources to do it, and a lawsuit discovery process could force the legal mechanisms to track him down. Nevertheless, carelessly careening around in forums making wild accusations as if they were fact is a very unwise thing to do, and sooner or later will get the person into legal troubles>>
They say that guys with homo tendencies express themselves in a defensive and cowardly manner. And the way Blackbird expresses himself, he seems angry that something as trivial as this get to him easily where hes got to act out emotionally like a female. Blackbird is just a loser who isnt secure within his own sexuality to make him realize that hes embarrasing himself. These are the makings of a pedophile.
Your reading comprehension appears to be inversely related to your anger level. I've never once threatened you. I've simply pointed out a legal possibility to you. If that makes me "obviously an Opera employee", it explains a lot about how you draw your weird conclusions based on prejudicial thinking rather than facts.
You've yet to provide one factual fragment of evidence that any of your assertions about Opera and its developers "selling out" the browser design in order to sell the company for high personal gain are true. All you have provided, as though it were fact, is the result of pure conjecture based on your own bias. That is slander, whether you accept it or not.
You've yet to provide one factual fragment of evidence regarding the sexual orientation of any poster here on Opera's forums. All you have provided, as though it were fact, is the result of your anger and bias. That is slander, whether you accept it or not.
In thread after thread in these forums, you charge in spewing your fabrication and vitriol toward Opera and anyone who disagrees with you. When confronted by others about your behavior, you resort to name-calling and even more desperate fabrication. Life must be desperately bitter and hate-filled for you, and especially painful for those around you.
And for heaven's sake, use a spell-checker and learn to punctuate... especially when you're too angry to see your keyboard while you're typing out your vitriol.Your lack of grammar skills seems to be directly correlated to and validate your apparent sexual orientation. No one here knows what youre talking about. If you want to continue to act innocently like youre not an inOperate employee by the way to defend it to death, then go right on your dandy way. We all see clearly through that menure. It tells us how loserly you manifest your life to be. Youve yet to provide one small fragment of evidence that any of your assertions about you and the inOperate devs havent redesigned and sold out the browser in order to sell the company for personal gain. All youve provided, as though it were fact, is an idiotic brew of legal ad hominem jargon as if you were perry mason based on your lack of manliness. That is homosexuality, whether you accept it or not.
You've yet to provide one factual fragment of evidence regarding your own sexual orientation of those of your fellow inOperate dev and team here on the Opera's forums. All you have provided, as though it were fact, is the result of your sick sexual orientation. Again, thats homosexuality, so accept it.
In all your threads on this forum, you exude relentlessly your fantasy world of playing a tough guy role against anyone who disagress or dislikes inOperate. When others express themselves against this Chrode browser, you immediately jump at the chance to harass and threaten him with this false legality against his 1st amendment right. Life in your world must be full of rejection by the opposite sex, where you deem everyone to be an enemy and that they must suffer, if God forrbide, they dont like the very same things you do.
And seriously, use proper grammar next time, especially in regards to your run-on sentences and your ill-placed tenses. It seems that youre too homosexualized to see the tons of errors of your poor grammar that continue to wreak eye sores in those unfortunate enough to read your 2nd-grade reading level posts.