[Solved]Speed Dial 2
ozsko last edited by admin
I went away from Opera for a few years simply because I found Speed Dial 2 in Chrome way better. I have now installed SD 2 in Opera, I can see it in the context menu but I can't get it to open when a new tab is opened. I have also installed the extension tp modify how the new tab starts and it still defeats me. Is this mission impossible?? It is mentioned here with no explanation of how to actually do it...https://forums.opera.com/topic/8827/disable-opera-speed-dial-in-favour-of-chrome-speed-dial-2-extension
ozsko last edited by
I have resolved this problem after more research. In the New Start Pro page extension enter this in the box at the top
chrome-extension://jpfpebmajhhopeonhlcgidhclcccjcik/newtab.html This opens SD 2 in every new tab that is opened.