Flash player outdated
jesterjke last edited by
I have Opera 37.0.2178.32 installed on my deepin linux 15.1.1(based on debian
I also have Chrome 49.0.2623.75 (64-bit) installed.
Both use the SAME flash plugin(checked by paths)
FLash in chrome work perfectly, while opera says it outdated.
How can I fix this?P.S. http://www.opera.com/docs/linux/plugins/install/#flash - this doesn't help
jcarval last edited by
please open a termnal windows and type sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
And it will work. I had the same issue...This thing of opera is very bad documented -
in-tensive last edited by
Open a termnal windows and type sudo apt-get install --reinstall pepperflashplugin-nonfree.
Just checked. It really works.
bryangb last edited by
Just checked. It really works.
Yes it does - that and uninstalling Opera Developer, upon which I've struggled (and failed) for weeks to get Flash working - and installing Opera stable instead. Thanks!
Yes, you should not follow the documentation there, most of it is totally outdated.
Blimey, ain't that the truth.... "This page last updated for Opera 11.0" - dear gods!!