Opera's add-on's notifications don't work?
nucktrooper last edited by
I've made a Google Chrome extension that works and I would like to propose it on Opera. But when I want to display a notification in Opera, it doesn't work.Here is a piece of basic code :
console.log("start"); chrome.notifications.create("Test", { "type": "basic", "title": "Test", "message": "Test", "iconUrl": "./data/notif.png" }, function(url) { }); console.log("end");
The resulted log is :
endI don't have any error neither a notification.
Could anyone help me to display a notification? Thank you.
gustavwiz last edited by
I tested this code in the background script of an extension, and it worked. Are you sure you have declared the permission in the manifest? ("notifications")
nucktrooper last edited by
Yes, it come from a Chrome extension, so i've did it.
But i've tried to install other add-on (from other developper) which are supposed to send notification, and it doesn't.
Is there a settings to enable them?
nucktrooper last edited by
In extension settings, it say :
My extension peut : Lire et modifier vos données sur api.twitch.tv Afficher les notifications [ notifications, https://api.twitch.tv/* ]
Or in english : Use data from api.twitch.tv, display notifications.
nucktrooper last edited by
Here is a minimal example i've made : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4k6nM18722ga2pKOHJlVTBrSG8&usp=sharing
Could anyone download it and tell me if it works, and if not, how to fix it?
Thank you.
gustavwiz last edited by
It works, totally unmodified.
Can you tell us the following:
- What Operating system are you testing on?
- OS version
- Opera stream (Stable, Beta or Developer)
- Opera version
gustavwiz last edited by
I tested your extension on a Windows 10 computer with the exact same Opera version, and it worked. Are you sure you haven't somehow turned off notifications in the Operating system? Perhaps you can test with other extensions, or on some test site that use web notifications.
nucktrooper last edited by
I've tried to use other extensions that are supposed to send notification and i've got nothing. If i've turned something off, i would not have notification on Chrome and Mozilla.
My Opera installation is new, I will try to reinstall it.