Opera Mini and Single Column View
cobalt1254 last edited by
Hello. I have used a version of Opera or Opera Mini for a long time to view a forum on my phone and it was the best app for doing that. It put Tapatalk to shame and none of the other Android did such a good job. I think the reason was that there was a setting called "single column view" but the problem is not that option seems to be gone and when it comes to viewing my forum, Opera now is just like all the other browsers, not a good experience for viewing forums. I went and found an old version of the app and that worked fine for me but then it started doing a think where you would click on a topic in the forum and it would just sit there and never load. Not sure why that started to happen but it did. Anyway, where is single column view?? Thanks.
yeswap last edited by
Single column view is still available in the latest Opera Mini for Android. It's in the data savings menu now because it's only available in Extreme savings mode. To find it: Tap the "O" icon then Settings > Data Savings > Extreme