Opera Mini 7.5.4 for Android
nowurtalkin last edited by
"I never said or implied that. It's amazing, sometimes you seem to ignore what I write completely and jump to conclusions."
I have yet to cover ground way back before your last text above...but noticed you added more & have a quick response to this...
It appears to me that it's YOU who either missing what I said or reading something into what I said that wasn't actually there or meant..
I didn't say that you said or implied it. I said it, maybe somewhat sarcastically...I guess because you have found a way to put me & my ideas & opinions in a negative or wrong light, not just some but virtually all of them, from your opening words, which I'll remind you, was somewhat snide right off the bat.
So I did not say you said it, but to say you did not even imply stuff along those lines, simply further degrades your overall assessment of these matters. You clearly demonstrated an attitude towards me from the git. Just read it.. I might add that so far you are pretty much batting 1000, in terms of finding fault w/where thing I've said plus misconstrued or ignored others. I have already demonstrated at least a couple of those elements, but to no avail from you. Sorry, but to be honest w/you, I have a much higher percentage of proving to be right in one way or another, than the zero you've assigned me. I would have to be significantly dumber that I am, in order to be where you essentially have put me. I like the one I just read, where you categorically state (lol) that I don't even understand the intrinsic difference between a server side browser & a cpu handled one. I wonder if you even recognize your own arrogance? I do understand the difference. And later, when I catch up to that part (as only this post is out of order..), I will demonstrate how it is you, who apparently doesn't understand it fully & in two important ways (one of which was explained by opera themselves, in complete difference w/your stated "knowledge" on the matter" (w/respect to devices) ).
nowurtalkin last edited by
Ok.. I was distracted for several days but back to finish covering this. B4 I catch up where I left off, I just noticed some typos I should correct... Above, when I was replying, in defense of your accusation of me "equivocating", in regards to comments about an edit function...the typos were:
"...jumping to equivocated conclusions.."
If you're going to use concepts like that, you should better learn what it means to say it. You are accusing me of using some king people from funky language to decieve you or the truth.
(I think it should've said: "You are accusing me of using some kind of....actually, I can't figure out now, what it was supposed to read...all I know is that what I meant to say is...well 1st of all, I can't tell if that comment from you refers to what's above it (about closing the thread) or below it (my complaint of no edit function)... but the attempted point was, that as to closing thread, I did not equivocate...you did say something that sounded like you were now (then) about to close the thread. It could (and was) easily interpreted as such. And in the case of the edit function comment, I simply could see no edit function nor anything said about it. I note that you subsequently try to show me different, to which I will show you how it's not depicted as you say it is, but here I just wanted to try to cleanup up the typos I made & shown that I didn't equivocate at all nor am I or was I guilty of the other part you said...about me supposedly (your wrong assumption) not reading or not fully reading your posts. Actually, I assure you that I read everything, regardless of what or where, very carefully by nature. I may make a mistake or misunderstand something, but more than generally, I comprehend pretty well. You have not demonstrated me not reading what you say, thus it's you jumping to conclusions, and frankly, I think I detect a pattern of that from you.
I'm gonna try to go back & pick up where I left off, because I think it's deserving (but it might take me awhile to), even tho no one else may find it so. -
A Former User last edited by
Please don't bother. If you didn't understand my attempt to help you and keep the forum clean until now it's unlikely you'll, ever.
You seem to like other browsers more than Opera, then use them.
nowurtalkin last edited by
Hey rude guy... I understood everything you said. The problem is that in most (if not all) cases, your answers were simply wrong, in one way or another. And your suggestion that I have "dirtied" the forum w/my complaints & commentary (where I validate the complaints) is as arrogant as it gets. So you run along & get your "ZzzZzzz's". You're prolly better at that...while I will (at the risk of you censoring (whoops, I meant "cleaning")... that you keep threatening), continue to validate not only all the points I made, but also your off the mark replies.
A Former User last edited by
And your suggestion that I have "dirtied" the forum
I didn't mean that. I was referring to "close this topic so everyone discuss on the newest topic for the newest version".See, jumping to the wrong conclusions. I'm sleepy with this discussion already.
nowurtalkin last edited by
"I'm sleepy with this discussion
already."Likely because you focus on all the wrong things & so your lack of rapport tires you...so liken said, go to sleep then. You also have a transparent habit of saying rude things & then when taken to task, always say that's not what you meant. Give me a break, it's not difficult to ascertain what you meant.
nowurtalkin last edited by
That is ludicrous at best.. Anyone is free to say whatever they have to say. I have done nothing to stop that from being so. Ridiculous to even suggest my commentary has. Moreover, your original idea that your (ahem) reasoning for saying you were gonna close the thread, being so folks could discuss om in its new updated form is also about ridiculous a think to say, as it gets. 1) this is separated thread from thst. I posted here under this version. Plus I also tried to update & in fact did the update but as I reported, my info says I'm still on the old version, so I'm in the right place. 2) the new version has its own separate forum or thread or whatever you call it. Forum goers, to my knowledge (I have observed it for yrs) have the choice to post in any forum, old or new, as long as they are posting in the correct one. Earlier you suggested I was not doing that...as you tried to make it sound like I had no points or not about what the thread was about. But I posted a counter to that & clearly pointed out how I indeed was on track w/what was on the the thread b4 I posted. I didn't see you correct yourself or apologize or even the common courtesy to acknowledge that I pointed those things out to you, to validate my commentary, in the face of your rude characterization of my comments on the thread.
A Former User last edited by
You also have a transparent habit of saying rude things & then when taken to task, always say that's not what you meant. Give me a break, it's not difficult to ascertain what you meant.
Oooooooor, it's a big game of surprise and excitement where it's really not what I meant and you see what you want to see.
A Former User last edited by admin
My friend, do you want Opera employees to keep monitoring leaps of threads of every old version? Threads where users could potentially discuss about bugs that don't affect the latest version, confusing everybody...?
It's obvious that maintaining 1 topic rather than 10 is good for everybody, specially for users, who are more likely to have their comments read.I'm here trying to help you, trying to help the mods, trying to help the employees, trying to help others users, assisting you on how to file a bug report officially so you don't have to write walls of text here every day, explaining to you the purpose of the app, the limitations of the app (what problem it tries to solve and what it can't solve, the context, etc), trying to get you to conclude in your mind if this is the right app you're looking for or if you should use another...
In my initial post here I wasn't specially rude, nor polite. I just asked questions, then you accused me of being rude.....
Can we end this back and forth conversation in some form please?
Opera Mini is what Opera Software is offering to "solve" the "need X". There are other Opera products for "solving" people's "need Y", "need Z", "need A", etc. There are other browsers that might solve "need X" or "need Y" better, etc. Please analyze the offerings from Opera and its competitors and choose the app that satisfies you.
When/If you choose Opera Mini (or any other product), then learn about its limitations. When you fill a bug about one of its intrinsic limitations and it's never fixed, and you can't live with it, you are not the target for the "solution" being offered. You're creating problem for yourself. You're better of trying another product ("for Android" / Classic / Opera Max), or a product from a different company (UC / Next b / etc) - I won't blame you if you switch, your "needs" are simply different than mine or anyone else's, and either Opera failed to cater you needs or or you have needs that Opera is not interested in solving. Please don't try to solve "problem Y" with a product that is meant to solve "need X". Accept you have choice and get on with life... -
nowurtalkin last edited by
That is ludicrous at best.. Anyone is free to say whatever they have to say. I have done nothing to stop that from being so. Ridiculous to even suggest my commentary has. Moreover, your original idea that your (ahem) reasoning for saying you were gonna close the thread, being so folks could discuss om in its new updated form is also about ridiculous a think to say, as it gets. 1) this is separated thread from thst. I posted here under this version. Plus I also tried to update & in fact did the update but as I reported, my info says I'm still on the old version, so I'm in the right place. 2) the new version has its own separate forum or thread or whatever you call it. Forum goers, to my knowledge (I have observed it for yrs) have the choice to post in any forum, old or new, as long as they are posting in the correct one. Earlier you suggested I was not doing that...as you tried to make it sound like I had no points or not about what the thread was about. But I posted a counter to that & clearly pointed out how I indeed was on track w/what was on the the thread b4 I posted. I didn't see you correct yourself or apologize or even the common courtesy to acknowledge that I pointed those things out to you, to validate my commentary, in the face of your rude characterization of my comments on the thread. Oh & b4 I forget, the notes for the new version said it only had minor changes, lol, yet you tour how it's so important to get busy over there. Truth is, hardly anyone there & it has mostly the same problems since they did very little. Who do you think you're kidding?
nowurtalkin last edited by
My last post, seen above now, I think, wound up posting way down at the very bottom of the page (on my screen) below everything & not where it belongs. It also (as is often the case) leaves no compose field to use for next post. So it takes roughly 20-30 tries to get it to post, which then only sometimes produced the compose text box/field & in the case of this last one, I finally managed (after 2 days of trying) to get the post to show up in the correct posts column, but that same post is still also showing way down at the bottom. Junk..
You keep saying you are bored & falling asleep, etc...and yet you keep posting more. I stated I was trying to cover all the bases of what you said, so as to fully validate my contentions that ALL you said was either dead wrong, off base, or otherwise poor answers, as opposed to how right your self righteous and significantly arrogant & condescending attitude seems to think you are. Please know that I don't say those things as insults or for the sole sake of themselves (I don't operate that way), but I honestly see them as fully true & very fitting in describing your posts. And I intend to finish my posting to provide intelligent validation & examples of it... not, at this point, because I think you are able to see or get any if it, as it is pretty evident by now that you don't deal too good w/rational, critical thinking, both about your posts, as well as the descriptions of real & serious issues with browser & the forum.
Frankly I'm not rely posting "to you" but more "at you". I'm not compulsive enough to think if I keep it up at you, that you will somehow see or agree w/any of what I've said. You've proven adequately to me that regardless of how logical or rational my points are that you are fully prepared, in advance, to disagree 100%, w/all & any of it. I simply want to say what I want about those items, because they deserve to be said, not necessarily to you but to anyone who cares to read it or if no one, then just to get the thoughts off my chest. I have my valid reason for posting my complaints and my observations here of all this, regardless if I find better browser use elsewhere, but you, on the other hand maybe (?) should take your own advice & just go where you aren't so bored & disagreeable w/me & wanting to to shoot down ea & every point I've made so far. I'm not here to aggravate you. You seem to want it though. I've already given up on any possibility of making any headway w/you nor do I think I can prove anything to you, in the least, so while I'm gonna say what I gotta say, and fully believe it's all pertinent & has some value, I don't why you want to punish yourself by continuing to read it. And I maintain that everything I've said or want to say, belongs right here on this thread, contrary to what you've tried to say different. I think you're just itching to remove my posts or close the thread, as in your head you think it truly needs to be done for the betterment of the forum or whatever it is that you believe. Why, I just bet that you've already gone over to the forum for the "new" (same ol same ol) updated version & helped scores of folks.... hang on...lemme go check... Whoa, that took me about 10 min to check as it's very very difficult to navigate back to there & then back to here. Wow, pretty impressive! 3 lone posts. All 3 say they can't use it at all (gotta just luv that "new & improved" stuff... as always, lol) & absolutely no discussion whatsoever & absolutely no help offered whatsoever by you or any other mod or employee or casual reader. So THAT'S what excites you & keeps you awake, huh? Oh I see it now! No wonder....You were so anxious to get over there & get me over there (wrong thread for me). Lotta action going on there....what a joke. Dead browser & dead forum, as far as I can see, at least in terms of Android.
In any event, after I posted my comments & complaints, you posted many inaccurate & downright wrong, both about op$era mini, the forum & and about my words said or their intended points. So my friendly suggestion is that you get over there & hang at 7.5.5, as they obviously are in great need of your interpretive and analytical, problem solving skills over there.....while meanwhile, I'll just be here saying I think needs to be said..
- the preceeding content was brought to you by: the peace of my mind, foundation. Donations gladly accepted.
A Former User last edited by
Truth is, hardly anyone there & it has mostly the same problems since they did very little.
If you can't accept the limitations of the product/browser switch to another product/browser either from Opera or from the competition. I'm closing the thread.