Pop-up panel tabs and address bar in full screen mode
leonid111111 last edited by
Здравствуйте! Скажите пожалуйста, почему нельзя в полноэкранном режиме сделать так, чтобы при касании курсором верхней границы экрана показывалась панель с вкладками и адресной строкой? Это очень хорошо реализовано в Mozilla Firefox, но я с Opera очень давно, хотелось бы чтобы моё сообщение не осталось без внимания.
Спасибо!Hello! Tell me please, why not in full screen mode to make sure that when you touch the top of the screen cursor display panel with tabs and address bar? It is very well implemented in Mozilla Firefox, but I'm Opera for a long time, I would like to my post did not go unnoticed. Thank you!
gustavwiz last edited by
All users perhaps don't want it that way. If I want to change tab/url, it's faster to use the toggle full screen key. If I accidentally would touch the upper border, I want as less as possible to be visible, for example under a presentation.
leonid111111 last edited by
And if you make it a configurable parameter? As it is implemented in a time of Microsoft Windows operating system on the taskbar and "Start" menu. That and I like all of my friends and I who sets up the computer to show interesting presentations and conduct lessons and often view the site full-screen and a little uncomfortable when you press the F11 when emerges not only the tab bar and the address bar and the taskbar of Windows, which some distracting.