Web Panel
A Former User last edited by
great concept
I know you can't load some sites because of x-frame-origin
you could make background event page (I guess, not sure how you made your logic, and do you need it to be awake all the time) -
gustavwiz last edited by
My current main problem is that I can't access anything from the iframe, for example which site the user currently is on. I can get the value from the input field, but when the user clicks on a link on a page, I don't now what page the user comes to. Therefore, I can't make back and forward buttons (which a user has requested).
If the iframe content would have had the same domain, I could use the properties/functions under contentWindow, but when the domains are not the same it's disabled for security reasons.
Does anyone know of a solution?
A Former User last edited by
to solve CORS problems, maybe you can inject script that will send message to your extension (background) with all the info you need (window.loaction.href or something like that)
A Former User last edited by
have you tried to open iFrame and insert script?
something like this:
http://jaspreetchahal.org/how-to-inject-javascript-into-an-iframe/in your case:
var iFrameHead = iframe.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var myscript = document.createElement('script');
myscript.type = 'text/javascript';
myscript.src = 'myscript.js'; // replace this with your SCRIPT
no use of manifest content scripts, they reefer to legit browser tabs -
gustavwiz last edited by
THINGS TO LOOK FOR You can only perform this task if the iFrame source is loaded from same domain. i.e. if you are running a site abc.com then iframe src could be abc.com/hello.html Read more: http://jaspreetchahal.org/how-to-inject-javascript-into-an-iframe/#ixzz3iz32VvM5
This is the problem.
A Former User last edited by
year ago I was playing with iFrames, but I had "other way around" situation
I was injecting iframes into some other domains but with my content
(my zoom popup extension works something similar)
but you have your own environment (panel) with iframe src from different domainsbtw are you sure you can't inject anything into that iframe content?
either with chrome tabs executeScript (all frames) or with content script...
because my smooth scroll extension works on pages loaded in your panel -
gustavwiz last edited by
When I used 'all frames', it worked! (in content script).
The problem now is how do I identify the iframe in the sidebar? So I know that it's not any other iframe on another random site/tab? I tried to name the iframe with a spacial id, and then get it with window.frameElement.id in content script, but then I got the cross origin error the other way around
(ie, the site in the iframe was trying to gain access to the iframe itself, which is on another site (where "another site" in this case is the side panel)).
Just to clarify, the thing that worked was to, from the content script, get access to the iframe content. Not the iframe itself and other panel content.
A Former User last edited by
I guess webNavigation/webRequest APIs won't fire event for iFrame in sidebar?
I would inject code (content script) that will give me window.location.href so you can maintain list of visited URLs, and when user wants to go back, load last in array, and so on...
You should be able to send message from iFrame to your extension with
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({newURL: "fromCS", url: window.location.href});
with every new page, CS will be loaded and send you data needed
you will probably want to fetch window.onunload... also, so that you can know that user is navigating away from current page....and prepare some things, whatever
this takes a lot of testing btw
happy coding :party: -
A Former User last edited by
ohhh.... btw
compare your user input with messages from iframes (if there is no other way)
and maybe listen for clicks on links and where it takes....................
or by sender.tabId
it should be something different than from regular tabs
that's under presumption that messaging will work from iframe -
ornette last edited by
This is a great extension, I couldn't live without it, as I always used a webpanel in Opera 12 to follow tennis live scores (using the mobile site http://m.tennistemple.com/ )
The only thing that that I'm missing from the Opera 12 webpanel feature is the possibility to reduce the font size (zoom). As I generally use 110% or 125% zoom in for websites (on high resolution monitors), the font on the webpanel is a bit too large. In Opera 12, I zoomed the webpanel out to 80% in order to make it more compact while still being readable.
A Former User last edited by
Vivaldi just pushed version with web panel
they don't have x-frame restrictions ofc (they made it internally) -
A Former User last edited by
Yeah, I'm using vivaldi right now, their web panel function is actually awesome. Web panel doesn't reload when you change sidebar tab. It doesn't have a back or forward button yet though.
nekomajin last edited by
Vivaldi just pushed version with web panel
they don't have x-frame restrictions ofc (they made it internally)It can be done with the webRequest API. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/webRequest
I was experimenting with a similar extension, and I was able to load any site. There is an extension to bypass the x-frame. It worth to take a look at the source code. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ignore-x-frame-headers/gleekbfjekiniecknbkamfmkohkpodhe
gustavwiz last edited by
It can be done with the webRequest API. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/webRequest
I was experimenting with a similar extension, and I was able to load any site. There is an extension to bypass the x-frame. It worth to take a look at the source code. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ignore-x-frame-headers/gleekbfjekiniecknbkamfmkohkpodhe
Actually I'm already using the code from that extension
It's working on several sites, but not all.
nekomajin last edited by
Actually I'm already using the code from that extension
It's working on several sites, but not all.Is there anything common in those sites?
gustavwiz last edited by
Is there anything common in those sites?
I don't know, I haven't analyzed this further.
A Former User last edited by
The problem is that I can only do this from the content script
It is really in the content script I need to find out if the frame is the iframe in the sidebar.I think there is a couple of tricks to get what you need (messaging from iframe?!)
document.referrer from within iframe is one of them and probably the simplest one
compare it to your extension panel url and set the flag in your content script for further actions