Malicious malware warning.
stinkeye last edited by 5 Apr 2015, 14:45
Why does opera give me a malicious malware warning on certain sites.
I can't see any settings to enable/disable opera to vet pages I visit
for malicious content. -
gustavwiz last edited by 13 Apr 2015, 13:35
Because "It has been reported for distributing malicious software", exactly as is stands on the image you provided.
stinkeye last edited by 14 Apr 2015, 04:00
No kidding. :p
What I want to know is where are the preferences for this.
I don't need opera to hold my hand.
In google-chrome there are settings in privacy to enable-disable these sort of web services. -
gustavwiz last edited by 17 Apr 2015, 15:34
First, actually I did answer your question, it was you that formulated the question badly
I don't think there is an option to turn it off, but a tip is to ask the question in the Opera for windows forum, as it has much more users, and I assume it's ok because this question is not platform specific. And if you find out that you can't, I recommend asking for such a feature in the suggestion box.
stinkeye last edited by 19 Apr 2015, 11:13
Here's a tip for you.
Stop being a forum condescending know-all smart ass.
The original question includes the statement "I can't see any settings to enable/disable opera to vet pages I visit for malicious content."
Very easy to understand the answer I was looking for but you chose the smart-ass route.
gustavwiz last edited by admin 24 Oct 2017, 09:30 21 Apr 2015, 04:53
No, now you misunderstand me. I didn't say that your question was bad formulated because I wanted to be a "forum condescending know-all smart ass". I did really mean it. Your question was really bad and unclear. Your main question wasn't even about that you were looking for. You just write and post, and don't even read it trough. Not only what you wrote here was a good example of that, also what you wrote to @rafaelluik in another thread. Think before you do, please.
smithkelvin last edited by 21 Apr 2015, 08:14
Actually Opera does report it, but works fine in Chrome, IE and FireFox
redraider89 last edited by 24 Apr 2015, 02:37
"gustavwiz" You are being a smart ass because you are stating the obvious that helps no one. The fact is that it MIGHT NOT have been reported and that is an ERROR, a FALSE POSITIVE! YOU EVER THINK OF THAT POSSIBILITY SMART ASS gustavwiz!? How about you ask for CLARIFICATION of the QUESTION gustavwiz or explain HOW things get reported and possible work-arounds or even consider the person may want a work-around by ASKING a few questions. Do people have to explain EVERY MINUTIA for you to consider that there may be a problem?
redraider89 last edited by 24 Apr 2015, 02:44
But the reason I am here is because it seems that "" is a malicious site which makes me think that this Opera malicious site detector is BROKEN. How can one of the most popular sites on the internet be malicious site?
gustavwiz last edited by 24 Apr 2015, 19:26
Answer to redraider89's first post:
No, I did not think it was a "FALSE POSITIVE". And that wasn't even what stinkeye was looking for, because in the post after mine, he clarified his question, and I answered that I didn't think there was such an option.
I wrote this: "First, actually I did answer your question, it was you that formulated the question badly :)" because stinkeye replied to mine objective answer with "No kidding". But on forums you have to adapt your writing to all kind of targets, including the ones that are more sensitive that others, and there I obviously failed. I tried to add a smiley, but apparently that couldn't help me avoid the smart ass title!
Answer to redraider89's second post:
So you mean you come to a page like the one stinkeye comes to? What country do you live in?