LiveFyre on Opera Mini or Mobile
whitelotus1 last edited by
I cannot view comments posted on the Wall Street Journal or other sites that use LiveFyre. This is the case when using either Opera Mini or Opera Mobile. Device is Nokia e-7. Thanks.
linuxmint7 last edited by
When using Opera Mobile, try turning 'Opera Turbo' off, and see if that makes a difference.
As for Opera Mini, 'Turbo' is integrated into the guts of Mini, so can not be disabled.
Just a FYI, I have just tried using Opera Mobile Classic, Opera Mobile for Android and Opera Mini (7.6.35843) on an Android device (phone) and all were able to display the comments posted via the Livefyre network. All browsers had 'Opera Turbo' disabled, except Opera Mini, because of the reason noted above.
christoph142 last edited by
As for Opera Mini, 'Turbo' is integrated into the guts of Mini, so can not be disabled.
Not on iOS. Newer versions (8 & 9) let you choose between "Mini", "Turbo" and "Off" operating mode.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Ahhh! the topic starter has edited their post since my reply, they have now included their device name now.
Oh, Christoph, I was unaware how things were on the Apple side of the fence, I was referring to Android, and how I believed it worked of that system. Good to know though.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Just tried on my Nokia 808 and Nokia N97 Mini using Opera Mini (7.1.32448) and was also able to view the the comments posted via the LiveFyre network with no problems.
Edit: Also tried it with Opera Mini (8.0.35626) on the Nokia 808 with no problems either.
whitelotus1 last edited by
Thank you all for your prompt responses. I tried the settings changes recommended, and no luck. I then upgraded to Mini v. 8.0.35626 - no luck (and there are hardly any settings available in this version, versus old versions; it's also slower, and there's no option to just connect without asking if it's okay, as there was in previous versions). I checked to be sure I had the most current version of Mobile, and I have 12.00.2254 - no luck.
Instead of comments, I see mostly white space, with a gray version of the circular loading icon, but it doesn't move, and the comments never load. This is true in Mini and Mobile.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Do you get this problem via a wifi connection and a 3g (data) connection, or just one or the other ?.
whitelotus1 last edited by
With both. I thought it was just a slow load problem, but that does not seem to be the issue. I realize I have an old platform (when there's a better business phone than the E7, I'll but it!), and, the most current release of Symbian Belle was not made available in the US (I have 111.030.0609, while I believe the last version is 111.040.1511), so I don't know if that has any effect, but I don't really feel as though it should. But it also doesn't work in the native Nokia browser - although that would be outdated as well. So perhaps there is something else going on with my phone.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Well, as I said in one of my previous posts above, I have a Nokia N97 Mini, which is older (2009) than your Nokia E7 (2011) and runs Symbian Series 60 3.2. It (the Nokia N97 Mini) has no problem displaying the LiveFyer comments using Opera Mini (7.1.32448).
What exact version of Opera Mini (apart from version
are/were you running ?.
Oh, and have you tried clearing the cookies via settings/privacy ?.
EDIT: I have just tried it with another (even older) one of my phones. A Nokia 6720 (candy bar phone) using Opera Mini (7.1.32444) via 3g (data), as there is no wifi on this phone. It's a little cramped on such a little screen (2.2 inch), but it displays the LiveFyre comments fine, and they are very readable.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Right, Just tried the Wall Street Journal site on all of my devices that can run Opera Mini and I was not able to view the comments on any article on that site. Even Opera Classic was not able to display the comments on the WSJ site. The only Mobile version of Opera that was able to display the comments on the WSJ site was Opera Mobile (and Beta) for Android.
Are you sure the Wall Street Journal's comments system is supplied by LiveFyre ?, as there is no indication the WSJ site that says it is. But it's strange that the comment system is, and says (on the site) it is supplied by LiveFyre, and works fine in pretty much any browser on any system, even Opera Mini on a lowly Nokia 6720.
It makes me wonder whether there is something wrong with the comment system on the WSJ site, and not a fault of Opera Mobile Classic or Opera Mini.
whitelotus1 last edited by
Confirmed by both WSJ and LiveFyre that the comments sections are powered by LiveFyre.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Strange that they work fine on,com (which is also powered by LiveFyre) on any version of Opera on pretty much any mobile device.
Deleted User last edited by
Nothing is what it seems. Prime time news only that now it says on the tin: To Read the Full Story, Subscribe or Log In. Who says that Phileas Fogg was a weird guy?