Opera Mini beta for Windows Phone - ready for testing
manju-007 last edited by
It was working for 2 days after the latest update! But now crashes everytime when I try to open the link on start screen shortcut... Need a stable update ty
mvassu last edited by
we are very with Opera mini windows but need for native download folder ( after download we cant able see the download files we only access through only opera mini app but every thing is superb one ) we want move to the sd card support also
linh-siwon last edited by
It still crashes, I dont know, I have the 3rd update and luckily, i can access the web, but now, I was kicked out this app. try uninstalling and reinstall but it's useless. Please update again because this is the best browser I have ever used, faster than Nokia Xpress, cheaper and save more data... Dont make your fans disappointed. me,too.
Im using Nokia Lumia 525 Cyan -
patrikmore last edited by
I used to love Opera Mini. Version 9.0.2 allowed me to open the browser on my Lumia 1020 with cyan. Last version 9.0.3 does not allow me to open the browser. Crashes inmediately. Go back to previous version, please, or do something. Don't force me to install and configure UC browser again. :down:
computergeek30 last edited by
I have tried everything it will load the page but as soon as it get to the page it crashes. I am running a Nokia Lumia 928 with 8.1 (preview for Developers)
e177l last edited by
Here's the funny thing. I can browse with this opera if only I use the second tab. Open your opera and clicks any tile, don't wait till it open the page but clicks the second tab to browse. In this second tab, you can browse normally. Never touch the first tab because it make your opera close. Try it.
patrikmore last edited by
Happy you can open the tool. What model and OS ? With lumia 1020 and 8.1 Cyan you can't open the browser. Closes inmediately.
wallyssonpj last edited by
Aqui é a coisa engraçada. Posso navegar com esta ópera se eu usar a segunda aba. Abra sua ópera e clica qualquer telha, não espere até que abra a página, mas clica na segunda aba para navegar. Nesta segunda guia, você pode navegar normalmente. Nunca toque na primeira guia, porque fazer o seu próximo ópera. Experimente.
Here the same! : D
edvijo last edited by
I'm able to open the browser, but when I try to get in on any site, I just can't. Lumia 920, WP 8.1 update 1. Please fix it!!! It's useless.....
patrikmore last edited by
After a while (two days) where the browser couldn't be opened (it closed after two seconds) I tried once more to open the tool, and it worked !
Very difficult integration with WP indeed ! Everything works wonderfully at this moment. Lumia 1020 with Cyan. I do not dare to exit the app...
briking last edited by
It crashes in Lumia 920 & keyboard (keypad) comes to high even above type screen there by hiding what we type & difficult to see wat we type .. Also in store version 9.03 is shown but in opera mini about its version 7.68 how & why
computergeek30 last edited by
I dont know if they had put an update for the Nokia Lumia 928 but it work i have found no problems with it now. If it is an uodate please don't change one thing but just add the spell corrector.
mattychezza last edited by
Magari aggiornaste x risolvere il fatto che nonsi apre più da due giorni????
sergeuwka last edited by
Версия работает нормально,пока вылетов нет. А куда русский язык пропал?
shan678 last edited by
now opera mini v0.9.0.3 appears to be working fine after two days frequent crashes,
i donno what resolved the crashing issue in this version without an update, may be it a server issue cause the crashing.
any way it's now working,
plz improve download manager for wp8.1