Add flag to disable popup on url copying
zhenyahacker last edited by zhenyahacker
At some of the latest updates there was added a new thing: when you select "Copy URL" in the context menu of the any URL on page these is a blue popup on the top of the screen saying that link is copied.
As said by moderator of the Opera forums, the is no way to disable it currently.
Feature request is simple: add a flag at the opera://flags page that to be able to remove that annoying popup.
phunthom last edited by
@zhenyahacker So what's the problem with this? This will show that the link has been copied, what if something important is removed by mistake?
zhenyahacker last edited by
Problem is that there is unwanted and unremovable popup has been added.
When I press the "Copy link" button there is only one thing thing can happen - the link is being copied. Nothing other can happen.
There is no "fail" scenario to link to be not copied.
There is no "happened something else" scenario - only link can be copied. Nothing else but placing the link into the clipboard can happen.There is only way of situation development after pressing "Copy" button and there is absolutely no sense to show the succession of this explicitly.
what if something important is removed by mistake?
Em, what? I think I misunderstanding you in some way... How anything anywhere can be removed by copying of piece of text?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
See There might already be a flag, but I'm not sure if Opera honors it at the moment.