error 0xc0000022 when trying to open Opera GX
bavali001 last edited by leocg
So I am tired of consistently trying to fix any issue or redownload programs that OperaGX needs to operate. I found out the one on the Microsoft Store has not updated yet, so I was able to return to a previous version in order to post this.
When I updated to the newest version of OperaGX and attempt to open it I would receive an error consisting of error 0xc0000022. So I would look it up and try to understand it and fix it. However when I would attempt anything I would continuously receive the same issue.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, repairing and updating the microsoft visuals c++. None of it worked. Downloading the browser through the Microsoft Store is the only thing that would work as it was not up to date.
Any explanation of why the update breaks would be appreciated.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
For the non-MS-store version, if it's showing in "Settings -> Apps -> Installed Apps", you need to uninstall it. Then, either way, you need to delete the "Opera GX" folder that's in "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs" (or "C:\Program Files"). The uninstall process does not delete the install folder and leaves a few files in it that can cause issues like you're seeing.
You then need to delete any Opera GX shortcuts (on the desktop, in the start menu and on the taskbar) for the non-MS-store version.
Then, in whatever browser you want, download "Opera_GX_116.0.5366.118_Setup_x64.exe" from, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera GX", set "install for" to "Current user", adjust all the other options as you like and install.
That will give you a fresh install folder of the non-MS-store Opera GX.
Do not use the MS Store version as its way outdated.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@bavali001 said in error 0xc0000022 when trying to open Opera GX:
Any explanation of why the update breaks would be appreciated.
One case is because you have a launcher.exe in the install folder that's for a different version than the Opera you have installed and you're trying to launch Opera with launcher.exe instead of opera.exe. As for why the mismatch, sometimes an update fails to update both in the root of the install folder correctly (where just uninstalling and reinstall alone won't fix it).
Opera doesn't use launcher.exe anymore though and it won't be present in a fresh install folder and fresh Opera GX shortcuts won't reference it. They'll reference opera.exe like they're supposed to now.