[Request]Opera GX on Linux
Taconamedyoda last edited by
@linuxrocks2000 fax I want opera GX for its resouce saving software and I will use another browser if we do not get opera soon. Another browser will come out soon I feel if you guys don't get this out and take over the Linux user.
opera-gx-for-linux last edited by
I actually created an Opera forums account just to request opera gx for linux!!!
lutagemma77 last edited by
help - Addicted to GX and now torn away from it:
I realize you have probably heard this many times in other threads, but another one is worth it.
Recently, I switched to Opera GX for mostly work actually.IT has made my days so much better - I love it.
I use Ubuntu Linux at home, and was looking for a workaround(wine is not working for me sadly)I finally went with Opera one, but I am missing so many of the features I might either switch back to windows(yes just for this briowser), Or I will have to go back to Brave or Chrome or whatever.
Are there any plans for this? Is there any way for me to manually combine the assets from the two to make it work? I am desperate. Please help! I may-have to just wipe my PC or dual boot. I am willing to pay money for this. Please tell me you have plans for this. You have a very unique special browser in GX and one is not not there for me.
RatKingByrd last edited by leocg
Dude.... do i even have to say it i mean just come on already wtf is going on here??? Its the best browser out and the only one ive personally stuck with the longest i have used opera gx for years an im tired of having to run a VM just to browse the web or have to have a whole 'nother OS just to use it. You guys are killing me......dont you care?
Usernameisnotavailable1111 last edited by
Opera GX on LINUX please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
William48822 last edited by William48822
Hello, I'm also interested in this Opera GX on Linux topic. I've seriously considered starting to use a Linux distribution called Nobara, but on Windows, I've already become too accustomed to Opera GX and I don't think I can use any other browser.
I hope that in the future they develop an installer or put the app in some repository for download on Linux, but until then, I think I found an option.
Researching around, I found out that Opera GX is available for download through the Epic Games Store, and I'm not sure if anyone has tried it yet, but maybe someone can use Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher to access the Epic Games Store and from there to Opera GX.
If anyone has already tried it or has the possibility to do so, please tell us how it went to see if it works.
Usernameisnotavailable1111 last edited by
i found a better browser called Vivaldi it is even more cultivable than opera GX
-5 stars
mantion last edited by
@gersonzao People who use linux are much more interesting in using new and less known apps like OperaGX.
People who use windows will default to chrome and maybe edge, and rarely Try newer product lines.
Opera browser is in the AUR, I can't imagine it would be hard to port OperaGX to linux.
AI tools would make the transition easier and thus have a greater ROI
mantion last edited by
Thanks, I guess I made this forum account for no reason.
paru vivaldi
1 [enter]
done -
mantion last edited by
People who are likely to be users and advocates of Opera GX will likely switch to Linux.
People who use Linux are more likely to use alternative browsers like OperaGX.
Opera browser is already on the AUR. I don't know how different OperaGX is, but it can't be that hard to transition.
More and More gamers are moving to Linux at an accelerated rate.
Mendeleyev last edited by leocg
Recently switched to arch linux, We Aare Growing. Give me opera gx for linux
tomasso last edited by
@usernameisnotavailable1111 when opera dont want us on linux, guess i will transition to vivaldi, thanks
at least try it, still have my ubuntu on thinkpad and elementary on macbook ans still no GX, so well so long for now
tomasso last edited by leocg
@mantion it Has a reason, I would not post here and found out about vivaldi on linux, i know it , were using it on W with vanilla opera , but then i went for opera, GX is my jam but ..linux is too
whelp my friend its 2 years that I fight for GX on linux and... Vivaldi it is for now
szx-2020 last edited by
Re: [Request]Opera GX on Linux
To the Noble Lords and Ladies of Opera
In the realm of digital dominion, where browsers weave the intricate tapestries of our online adventures, we beseech thee to heed our fervent call. We, the valiant denizens of Linux, stalwart guardians of the open-source kingdom, do implore thee to grant us the coveted Opera GX, a jewel coveted by many a brave soul within our realm.
As the winds of change whisper through the technological landscape, let not our Linux brethren languish in the shadows of obscurity. Nay, let them bask in the radiant glow of Opera GX, a beacon of innovation and prowess.
Should thee choose to defy our entreaties, know this: we shall muster our forces, a legion of righteous indignation, to storm the gates of thy digital fortress. Our code shall be our swords, our algorithms our shields, and together, we shall lay siege to the bastions of indifference until victory is ours.
Yet, let it not come to this, esteemed lords and ladies. For in unity lies strength, and in cooperation, greatness is forged. Hearken unto our plea, and let Opera GX flourish upon the fertile soil of Linux.
With unwavering resolve and hopeful hearts, we await thy response.
Yours faithfully,
[szx] -
AlexKhayrullin last edited by
Count me in for Opera GX on Linux. I switch between Windows and Linux on a regular basis and the absence of a Linux version seriously prevents me from using it full-time.