Opera Mini 8 for Java and BlackBerry
abheizthe last edited by
Hey. After i instal this app(opera mini
on my bb 9330 OS 6, it's doesn't work. Restart, pullbatt, always do that. Can you tell me why?
bharat2000 last edited by
operamini 8 not working full screen in my samsung monte. my screen resolution is 240x400.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks Opera! It looks and works better, but still finding unavailable sites (403 forbidden).
A Former User last edited by
Hi operamini 8 java does not copy to the clipboard ( system phone clipboard ) i cant copy mark text to my notes app in phone and in option edit when i want write something , paste work only in opera and only when i use long touch . greetings
My phone nokia 5530xm -
joe-crack last edited by
Problem of copy n paste of opera v8 in BB 8520......can copy but it doesn't show paste option...anyone wit same problem with this version????????
jcajcajcajca last edited by
Hi, I need help. I use a BB 9800. Since my upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0, I can't seem to enter to the next line(paragraph) while typing on an editing window. I've tried redownloading and reinstalling the app but it doesn't help. Pls, how do I resolve this or revert to 7.1. I think I'm better off with 7.1 pls
abaid09 last edited by
opera mini 8 not connecting-fail to connect .i am using it over wifi.samsung wave 525
speaksaver last edited by
Please advise. I get an an uncaught exception error after installing opera min 8 on my blackberry and can't open it -tried directly from Blackberry World and m.opera.com. I have no problems installing and using opera mini 7.1. Can't find solution to make this work.....?
joshbfreeze0007 last edited by
How do I check for wand file on my blackberry opera mini browser, i forgot my password for my email & I don't want to reset it. Please I need your Help
joshbfreeze0007 last edited by
How do I check for wand file on my opera mini browser for blackberry, forgot my email password & I don't wanna reset it. Please I need help
davidpotter2411 last edited by
i have micromax q75 which a keypad non touch phone but i want touch user interface view in opera mini 8 in my phone
lipslashkenz last edited by
why i can't download opera mini 8 on my nokia 3120 classic? it said "certificate not on phone or memory". i tried to download all the links but it said 'invalid application' if i chose 'no certificate'. please reply. thanks
roshnibcn last edited by
plz plz add some themes options to opera8, its looking white only and plz support animation plzzzzzzz
krishntkr last edited by
I'm from India. While using Opera mini 8.0 on BlackBerry 8520 I'm facing some problem. 1. I can't change paragraph with "Enter/any key". 2. I'm outlook user, I'm facing problems. I can't compose new mail, I can't delete email even I can't select. 3. Please boost downloading speed and make upload enabled. 4. I can't cancel selection with back key. 5. I can't open www.gsmarena.com Please help. Thanks.
seldon76 last edited by
Same problem than jcajcajcajca and #1 of jcajcajcajca. Any solution? On BB Bold