Coast for iPhone
christoph142 last edited by
I'd like to request an iPhone-version of Coast.
I guess it's not too much effort since both devices are running iOS and the iPhone is in bad need of an update since Opera Mobile isn't available and Opera Mini is really outdated.
Everybody who'd like to second this request just add a comment
olli91 last edited by
You're absolutely right. I already said that to the Coast team on twitter but it seems like there are no plans to make Coast available for smartphones. Since Opera Mini for iOS is really outdated and hasn't been updated for a really long time (looks awful on iOS 7), I really think Opera should dig deeper into this market. Many iOS users would even spend money on a good browser!
A Former User last edited by
This article suggests they plan to release Coast for iPhone:
"Have a read of this: what Opera's been working on (Spoiler: Coast for iPhone) and how it turned things around:" - Jo Best (@forthebest) at Twitter
Deleted User last edited by
I'd like to have an Opera browser for iPhone, but I don't know if Coast layout and philosophy will work on a smaller screen...
grzejnik32 last edited by
we have already Opera for Android. We don't need coast in Android devices.