opera showing err msgs when loading (android 7.5.3 )
zageng251 last edited by
as you will see in the next images and that frequently happens when loading multiple urls. am using 4.4.2 kitkat
Deleted User last edited by
Well, gsmarena www site has a lazzy load problem and that's why m.gsmarena.com works better (any page have 1'40'' loading t on www site) and I think that first example may have the same issue (full media load). As workaround try a double tap on links, in this way the next click execute the url from top bar with href from previous page (gsmarena). When previous page is not fully loaded then javascript will be executed in the next page resulting page reload or oopsing. Oopsing may occur on dynamic loading anyway since animation is disabled in mini5 and scrolling/zooming operation consume some resources translated in 'gc' (google patent) when a given page is not loaded entirely, opera mini doesn't work without a pointer by default.
zageng251 last edited by
thanks for ur reply but could clear abit more i cant just understand / how can i double tap? what does next link excute and java scripts mean i lam not an expert or a web programer i cant understand sorry
zageng251 last edited by
i already did that it did nothing no use so i posted the last comment
i double click on anylink nothing happens adress bar and in any link in the page -
Deleted User last edited by
Strange, means that touch devices doesn't work in the same manner with mouse cursor as for non-touch devices.
zageng251 last edited by
if ur not gonna fix this issue i willl change to anothdr similar browser also add the problem of page has been cleared to save memory
masteryak last edited by
i have 2 errors : 1-content blocked by operator
2-your content is not currently available -
Deleted User last edited by
1 double check internet settings or ask your provider why HTTP traffic is blocked.
2 occurrence is minimal, nothing to affect browsing experience.