Pop-out video frame snapping to screen edges and limit resizing to video proportions
andissprinkis last edited by
I'd like a couple of features that MPC-HC video player has:
- When you enable "Limit window proportions on resize", there are no additional black bars on the sides or top and bottom.
- When you enable "Snap to desktop edges", well, it snaps to the desktop edges when you put it nearby, but you can also put it off-screen if you want to.
I currently put in that extra-effort to precisely resize and place the pop-out video frame on the bottom right corner of my screen. I wish this wasn't necessary.
rejzor last edited by
Opera used to have video popuout keeping video proportions, but they removed it for some really dumb reason. It was great. Now I not only have to get both width and height in check, there is also this absurd black border which is there even if you don't want it and you get video perfectly in check. I don't get it what they were thinking...