I user inline install api (opr.addons.installExtension) to install a addon,the console report a error.
1、On Opera 58 and 58 beta report error:
(WEB_PAGE context) Couldn't find native for requireNative(addons)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Install' of undefined
at Installer.installExtension (extensions::addons:49)
at Object.installExtension (extensions::addons:114)
2、And on opera 59 and 60 develop report error: opr is not defined
Is the interface affected by the chrome 71 version of inline install removed, causing the interface to not work properly? Please see: https://blog.chromium.org/2018/06/improving-extension-transparency-for.html
But I think it should be okay because it uses a different webstore.
I expect the inline install api can be used on opera 59, thx.