Opera browser does not play twitter videos and gifs again
rudiau1 last edited by
Same problem here.
Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon 64 bit
Opera 43.Worked fine on Opera 42.
Does anyone know how/where to download Opera 42?
Thanks. -
rudiau1 last edited by
Thanks for the info zbi1981,
That website shows Opera 37 supporting H.264 and Opera 42 worked fine as well.
Do you know how to downgrade to an earlier version, if it's possible? -
denisftw last edited by
Why do you think it's caused by H264? On my Opera 43, the Flash plugin simply doesn't work - I suspect this is the main cause of the problems.
rudiau1 last edited by
Hi denisftw,
Twitter supports the MP4 video format with H264 format with AAC audio.
Twitter vtdeos do NOT play.Youtube supports
• MP4 (a multimedia container format standard specified as a part of MPEG-4)
• FLV (Flash Video, a kind of video format )
• AVI (Audio Video Interleaved,a kind of video format)
• MOV (the QuickTime multimedia file format)
• 3GP (a multimedia container format defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project for 3G UMTS multimedia services.)
• MKV (an free container format that holds an unlimited number of video, audio, picture, or subtitle tracks in one file)
• MPEG (the Moving Picture Experts Group, a kind of video format)
• WMV (Windows Media Video)
• SWF (Shockwave Flash)I have NO problems with Youtube.
As I said, all was good on Opera 42, I would love to downgrade to it, but cannot find a download for it.
tyrion-ua last edited by
You can download old version Opera here:
https://get.geo.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/ -
rudiau1 last edited by
tyrion-ua, Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya. I have searched hi and low. Fngers crossed, I hope it works.
Will report when done. -
tyrion-ua last edited by
In Opera 42.0.2393.94 i have the same problem, but this instruction solved the problem:
- Install the chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra library.
- Copy the libffmpeg.so file from the library (/usr/lib/chromium-browser)
- Replace the libffmpeg.so file in the browser folder (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera) with this file.
- Restart the browser.
But in the new version (43.0.2442.806) it no longer works.
In this topic (http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=266804.0) written (forum in russian language): version of the file libffmpeg.so must be the same version of the engine chromium used browser Opera. In Opera 42.0.2393.94 chromium engine, I guess, 56.0.2924.76. But i can't find the chromium-codecs-ffmpeg the same version.
At page https://www.youtube.com/html5 seen that the problem is the H.264 codec:
http://storage7.static.itmages.ru/i/17/0208/s_1486553497_5785962_b68284fe78.png -
tyrion-ua last edited by
Ok, here is my solution:
- Remove new Opera
- Download deb package from here: https://yadi.sk/d/KDMMF4R83DWEuq (it's my cloud) or https://get.geo.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/
- Install Opera version 42.0.2393.94
- Download libffmpeg.so from my cloud
- Put it into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera and replace (need root).
Sorry, but i'm not tested "i386" version, but "amd64" works great.
denisftw last edited by admin
Hi, rudiau1! Yeah, you're right. It was the problem with ffmpeg-codecs.
It's easy to fix it by reverting back to Opera 42 and ffmpeg 53. I basically downloaded Opera from Tyrion and then used my older guide from here:
Everything works.
in-tensive last edited by
Hi! Here is solution for Opera 43. (Kubuntu 16.04 x64)
- We need to update Chromium browser to 56.0.2924.76 version (Opera 43 use this version of Chrome engine)
- Add repository - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage
- Update system - sudo apt update
- Chromium must updated to 56 version
- As recently as advised tyrion-ua:
Copy the libffmpeg.so file from the library (/usr/lib/chromium-browser)
Replace the libffmpeg.so file in the browser folder (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera) with this file.
Restart the browser.Now Opera plays videos from Twitter, Instagram, etc.
A Former User last edited by
The only solution is to wait for a new update in the Opera for Linux browser, which corrects this problem making it unwise to uninstall the updated version from the previous one.
What is not understood is that being an excellent browser, probably the best of the day, this error in playing videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, often comes up giving the idea that even a seeming mistake.
paulohorta last edited by
Hi! Here is solution for Opera 43. (Kubuntu 16.04 x64)
- We need to update Chromium browser to 56.0.2924.76 version (Opera 43 use this version of Chrome engine)
- Add repository - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage
- Update system - sudo apt update
- Chromium must updated to 56 version
- As recently as advised tyrion-ua:
Copy the libffmpeg.so file from the library (/usr/lib/chromium-browser)
Replace the libffmpeg.so file in the browser folder (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera) with this file.
Restart the browser.
Now Opera plays videos from Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Right ON !!
Thanks -
rudiau1 last edited by
Honestly, sometimes I could just kick myself.
Was trying to download from the above suggested sites and having problems downloading and installing deb packages.
Anyhoo, for some reason I decided to clean out the Downloads folder and lo and behold there was the
'opera-stable_42.0.2393.517_amd64.deb' package from when I originally installed Opera.
So after uninstalling Opera 43 and reinstalling 'opera-stable_42.0.2393.517_amd64.deb' everything works, nothing else required.
I like to apologize to jgffopera for taking over his post but hopefully it has helped him. I will be book marking this post for future reference that's for sure.
Thank you all.
rudiau1 last edited by
Now I just need a 'reload' in the Tab Label right click context menu and I will have the perfect browser. -
brumman last edited by
I still use Ubuntu32bit so cannot install Vivaldi or change the libffmpeg.so file because I have /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libffmpegsumo.so.
If I uninstall Opera 43 & roll back to opera 42.0.2393.517 by downloading again will I lose all my settings etc which are preserved during regular updates? If so I can wait until the next update if Opera fixes this issue. -
rudiau1 last edited by
"will I lose all my settings etc"
But be safe and backup "/home/rudi/.config/opera"(replace rudi with your directory) then in the event of a mishap simply replace that directory with your backup.