[Request]Can we please have the Option to move the Sidebar to the Right?
Ramanuta last edited by leocg
Hello, i have switched to Opera GX a few days ago from Crome, and i love it. But one thing that i hate is that the Sidebar and the dropdown menu with the history and stuff is on the Laft side. Please give us the Option to move it to the right side of the Window. I am not the only one who wants it on the right side. And i imagine, that it is not that difficult to implement. At this point i would even pay to have this feature. If anyone from the Developer Team could reply to this question, that would be nice.
Ramanuta | Peter Martin Ledergerber | Technology Enthusiast & Creative Spirit
"Always one step further in the world of technology and creativity"
š Swimmer | š® Gamer | š¤ AI Fan | š¹ Archer -
f0rde3j last edited by
Yeesss! The only way Opera feels natural to me, a right handed user who reads left to right, is if I have multiple screens and its on the far left screen. When at work, with one 5K screen, the left position of the sidebar is The most unnatural and distracting thing in the freakin universe! All other browsers have options or add-ons to relocate the side bar to the right. But Opera, as good as it is, fails in the simple matter. Please provide this option! Do a google search you will see hundreds of people asking for the same thing.