@leocg apologies for not replying back sooner, just been busy.
I want to point out that, despite what many may think, the issue is not the browser. When I had posted this, I was experiencing the same issue many of you are describing. However, almost a couple days after creating this post, it was found that there was actually a hardware issue with our ISP's network, which had limited most of my downloads, here and there, but not all of them. Before learning this, I was sure it must have been either a local issue, or it could be from where the downloads were originating from.
I took a look at most of the comments being made here and I cannot say for certain that the issue is either with your local networks or not, because, that would take some extensive testing, which I don't think many of you would be willing to do (and even if you were willing to do it, just know that it's going to be a lot of back and forth with your ISP and this forum, which is going to be a waste of time, considering that we all still have lives to live).
I want to say that I'm sorry if that comes across as harsh, but my point in creating this post was to see if there was an issue with Opera GX and if someone that is more familiar with the backend would know of any possible causes, or if the issue may have been a product of something else. In my case, it was something else, but I would also suggest to many of you to not look at this as an issue with the browser only, but a possibility that the issue could originate from elsewhere. At the moment, my downloads have gone back to normal, I haven't had many issues at all.
This might not be very helpful, but I want to stress this again, I am a major fan of the Opera GX browser and I wish that there was an easy way to fix all of the issues that people have mentioned they have. But with the way the Internet works and the way your browser and everything else works, it's just not so simple to fix such an issue. I'll do my best to keep watch on this post and will suggest fixes here and there, if I know of anything.
Sorry for the veeeeeery long post here's a potato
for your trouble