.jpg-orig extension when saving images from twitter
gregorw last edited by
Take this tweet for example:
The URL of the displayed image is:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCiZIc-WgAAc9vx.jpg (600×300, 25kb)
Add :orig to the URL to view the image in its original resolution:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCiZIc-WgAAc9vx.jpg:orig (1280×640, 76kb)
If you right-click and save that image, the suggested file name becomes CCiZIc-WgAAc9vx.jpg-orig. To turn it into a useful .jpg file, the -orig part of the file extension needs to be manually removed in the "save as" dialog. When saving a larger number of images, this process is very tedious.
I wish Opera would ignore the :orig part by default.
Thank you.
gregorw last edited by
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between bug and suggestion. This topic required approval, presumably due the links. If suggestion box was better suited, the reviewing moderator would probably have moved it.
I neglected to mention that this not only occurs when you manually append :orig to obtain the original size. Twitter also delivers the :large variant by default when you click on images, resulting in .jpg-large when saving them. There are also many users and sites that post direct links to either :large or :orig. So this should be a common problem.