google showing a gray screen (white aswell, if light mode is on) after 5 seconds of searching something
Antigen last edited by leocg
google showing a gray screen (white aswell, if light mode is on) after 5 seconds of searching something
this problem has happened about 2 days ago and i haven’t found a fix, i don’t know if this is on my end, google’s end or opera’s end, i’ve tried with other browsers such as pale moon, edge, new moon and others, on other browsers no bugs are present and everything is ok, in private browsing google works normally too, i’d like to know if this is the opera browser causing this or not, and a fix for it if possible, thanks.
Brayan80 last edited by
Hello, I solved the problem. Scan your system with Malwarebytes free version. I had some Spyware programs. After removing them, everything returned to normal. Regards