[Twitter] How to hide "X and Y follow" suggestions?
Winfried2022 last edited by
I just moved from Chrome to Opera, and have one unresolved issue: The unwanted suggestions from Twitter, showing me posts from accounts followed by people I follow ("X follow") that had been taken care of in Chrome with some extension.
The extensions I tried failed (BlockZilla - Hide sponsored posts and tweets, Hide Twitter Trends, Twitter Recommendation Block).
Neither does this recipe for uBlock Origin.
What could I try?
Thank you.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@winfried2022 You need to ask in a Twitter forum/community since it's a Twitter feature.
If there isn't any setting for that, you may try finding some extension.
Winfried2022 last edited by
@leocg Thanks, but I said, I already tried the following, to no avail:
BlockZilla - Hide sponsored posts and tweets, Hide Twitter Trends, Twitter Recommendation Block.
(Moved to "Lounge" ?)
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@winfried2022 what about clicking on the option that you are not interested on that post? Maybe within time those recommendations go away.
Winfried2022 last edited by
Thanks for the suggestion, but there were so many that it would have been impractical.
Turns out using a new browser, Twitter used the "Home" mode: Switching back to "Show Latest Tweets" solved the issue
Thank you.