Turn of picture in picture
LucyLastic last edited by
How do you tun off picture in picture (Alwways On Top) feature in Opera using windows 10?
The video that pops up in the bottom right when i view another window?
LucyLastic last edited by
@hucker I found the solution on YT videos. I believe it was in the three dots ... for more settings (turn off.... cant remember what/how it was worded.) Its no longer anywhere I can chek to turn it back on again toin order to tell you where but I believe when the video pups up (usually for me in bottom right) it is in that video setting ... that you need to look. But because the videos no longer pop up, I cant tell you the exact wording. But as said, the setting is within the pupup video. In the bottom right.
LucyLastic last edited by
@leocg I couldnt find anything in any settings of Opera or Yutube settings. Just the video popout itself. There was something to to disable it in the actual bottm right corner of the popup video. Nthing in Opera.
hucker last edited by
@leocg said in Turn of picture in picture:
@hucker Then you looked in all settings and found video pop-out.
Not sure why you're typing it as though I've already done it, but yes I found that, I'll see if it works. Youtube just does it randomly without asking, I'm not sure what triggers it.