Opera GX keeps doing weird notification-like sounds over and over again
eyebek last edited by leocg
My browser started doing a weird sound recently and i just can't understand where exactly it comes from. This is how it sound https://streamable.com/7nd6w5
I did everything written on other similar posts, and for some reasons they got the problem solved, nut I still didn't I turned off browser sounds, muted every social media i have on side bar, removed twitch and muted it, but the sound didn't go anywhere. Is there anything else i could do? What even is this sound and where does it come from??? -
phol last edited by
@eyebek https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/comments/kwri11/opera_gx_makes_a_weird_sound/
do you have Steam Inventory Helper?
it makes that sound if you have trades that are waiting for an action -