Download files Tab-some tweaks
A Former User last edited by
Hello, I'm Opera user for quite some time (around 12 years) and I found that with each new update there is lot less options when managing downloaded/downloading files. In newest version (60.0.3255.95) for example in Downlad files Tab there are only 4-5 files shown at the time on screen (with 1920x1080 resolution), also there is no indicator on few files I'm downloading (I was downloading lot of files after them and these that are still downloading do not show also on pop-up "Downloaded files" near "add bookmark" icon). It will be really cool to see few more files at a time and still be able to see files that are still downloading (with estimated time and speed of download)
I think it's good addition with those filters for file types you've added few versions earlier, but it can be improved- set these filters in static place, because when I scroll down the page with downloaded files, they disappear and I need to go all the way up to use them. It will be nice to have them always in place.