Opera wants to use your confidential information stored in "Opera Safe Storage"
A Former User last edited by
Hi there,
Since i updated Opera i have this message all time i launch it.
There is a way to stop having this pop-up? (unless I am "forced" to accept and put my password). What happens if I put my password?

sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Not a Mac user, but sounds a lot like the prompt for password storage on Linux. The first time I run Opera on Linux it prompts me for a password to access my system's encrypted storage (in my care, called Kwallet since I use the KDE desktop). That is where they store your website logins and other confidential data, so if you don't give the password Opera can't access your saved logins.
A Former User last edited by
Ok thanks I thought third-party apps could not access to keychain. So if I refuse, Opera will not be able to saved login on the websites (like Safari and the keychain)?
A Former User last edited by
I'm also using Mac and I have the same Opera dialog this morning, just in English not French. It says: "Opera wants to use your confidential information stored in "Opera Safe Storage" in your keychain. Do you want to allow access to this item?" I clicked Always Allow.
This other post says the Opera Safe Storage issue is caused by Opera shipping a new certificate, and you'll have to click Always Allow for Opera to remember passwords you've entered on sites.
A Former User last edited by
Ok so we have a reply to my question ! Learn more here: https://blogs.opera.com/security/2018/05/opera-53-on-macos-new-application-signature-why-you-are-getting-asked-to-grant-opera-access-to-your-macs-keychain/?utm_medium=sm&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=brand_comp_53_310518_gl
A Former User last edited by
That article says:
"You should enter your macOS user password and click “Always Allow” to make sure Opera can keep accessing its encryption key as before. Clicking “Allow” will grant Opera access to your keychain for the current session, which means you will be asked again when you open the browser the next time.
If you click “Deny” your saved passwords and saved website cookies will not be available for the browsing session. You will see this notification again once you reopen Opera."
That seems to imply that cookies are in the keychain, but I could not see any cookies there. If it does not have the cookies, how can it block access to them?
A Former User last edited by
@concretable How could I show the message again as I lost it. I can't popup it again?
A Former User last edited by
I am not sure. After I gave Opera access to the keychain, I had no more problems with passwords. I am not using Opera much these days. I have found another chromium-based browser which works better.