Speed Dial Issues & New Files Being Written in The Opera Stable Folder
bbildman last edited by
Windows 7, Opera 40.0.2308.62
I have a BRAND NEW INSTALL of Opera, which I accomplished by deleting the entire contents of the Opera Stable folder. I configured everything according to my particular preferences in "Settings." After that I have absolutely made no other changes to Opera, so this is a pretty vanilla install.
I booted Opera and no matter how many times I delete Opera's choice of Speed Dial entries (and empty the trash), when I colse opera and reopen it, there are those Speed Dial entries again. I have disabled Speed Dial Suggestions in both Opera://flags and in the "Customize Start Page" configuration, so there are no more Suggestions. Howver, I do NOT want Opera to continue to add Speed Dial entries on my Speed Dial page. Right now the page is empty, but when I close and open it, there they are again. Is there ANY way to disable this.
On another note, each time I open and close Opera, there is a new file written in the Opera Stable folder to the tune of these::
ssdfp4856.3.646832842etc etc, these files continue to be written, and are not deleted when Opera closes.
In each of those files, using Notepad the follwing content is displayed::
"// /P1iqZ6ak5JxCLGSfEq++EhxCMLwtD8LKvpwTynDIi4=
{"Extensions":{"ActiveExternalExtensionsInfo":{},"ActiveWebstoreExtensionsInfo":{},"BlacklistedExtensionsInfo":{},"CVBlockedExtensionsInfo":{},"CVUnverifiableExtensionsInfo":{}},"UI":{"SpeedDial":{"Actions":{"http://www.amazon.es/":{"DE05FFB0-18E1-456A-894E-321E89FCB0E4;amazon_es":{"Impression":1}},"http://www.booking.com/":{"1F139774-6621-41C5-B2C3-5E00220FA4A2;booking_com_es":{"Impression":1}},"http://www.ebay.es/":{"2C20E7E6-229A-4758-B07A-469458D4A6FB;ebay_es":{"Impression":1}},"http://www.facebook.com/":{"AB51E2BF-EBAE-4157-B119-6C478CE725DC;facebook":{"Impression":1}},"http://www.marca.com/":{"AED7E014-AD76-4177-963E-922C2E5C4BE4;marca_com":{"Impression":1}}}}}}"Within each of those are the Speed Dials entries that Opera has decided that I need.
My wife has a laptop that has Opera 40 installed, and those same kind of files are being written each time she opens and closes Opera. Is this a big, or intended??
I do not think previous versions of Opera had this behavior.
What is going on here??
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
On another note, each time I open and close Opera, there is a new file written in the Opera Stable folder to the tune of these::
etc etc, these files continue to be written, and are not deleted when Opera closes.There should be only one of those files.
bbildman last edited by
It now seems that Opera is behaving itself. After using Opera most of the day today, it seems that one file is being written when I open Opera in a short period of time after while Opera is still open, the file is then deleted.
Looks like problem solved.
Thanks for your help.