what I would like to see is a return to what happened around jellybean time. once flash support was officially dropped clicking a youtube link would open up the youtube app to play it. at the time I hated it, but now I would like to return to that setup by any means as youtube playback thru the browser has gone backwards again. 80% of links play in washes of bright green and pink only and are entirely unwatchable if you want to follow visual details of any kind.
opera is still my only browser, I'm old skool and I'm not going to switch over this or lose sleep waiting for it to be fixed, but any help would be appreciated.
The same happens to me...and I am not using any cleaning apps.
Everytime I enter for example a forum page (opera forum incl) and have been logging in before...it still opens NOT LOGGED IN. Very annoying and I thought Opera would have fixed this by now.
Now it annoys me so much that I uses other browsers when I need to enter forumpages...Imagine how embarrassing ...entering Opera forum and need to use Sleipnir browser...:-(
After the latest update the problem is still here. When I try to open a web site just nothing happens. That is happening for 4th time (after the last 4 updates)! To fix the problem each time after update I have to clear app's data or reinstall, but this is annoying.
I use Sony Xperia Z2. My mother have the same problem with Nexus 4.
other software change for the better but opera mini has changed for the worst. where is picture on/off control. speed dial editing has become difficult. night mood is useless.how stupid!
I still have the issue I reported in Opera 30. When editing a word or even "backspacing" it from its last character the duplication fest still happens sometimes.